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ttun Shenanigans, Arguments, and Emasculated Cucks (2019 thread)

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Army is exposing both of scUM's lines. I'm sure the shit weasels will pull the game out, but that is a Mediocre team. Patterson can't make a read to save his life and crumples under pressure, their front 7 on D is below average and their OL sucks. That's an 8-4 team, at best.

They have a week off to figure out how to physically handle Wisconsin.
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Army is exposing both of scUM's lines. I'm sure the shit weasels will pull the game out, but that is a Mediocre team. Patterson can't make a read to save his life and crumples under pressure, their front 7 on D is below average and their OL sucks. That's an 8-4 team, at best.
Never understood the scUM lovefest this year.

They lost everyone who mattered on defense, they have no running back, their OL has consistently been garbage, and Shea Patterson is still their quarterback. But winged helmets and winningest and quarterback whisperer and #HarbaughEffect and....
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Give harbrau two weeks to prepare...

...he spends 9 days of it organizing the pens on his desk by color.


I'm a very good coach.

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Never understood the scUM lovefest this year.

They lost everyone who mattered on defense, they have no running back, their OL has consistently been garbage, and Shea Patterson is still their quarterback. But winged helmets and winningest and quarterback whisperer and #HarbaughEffect and....
It's the same thing every year. Somehow, much of the media STILL thinks harbrau is a good coach.
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