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ttun Shenanigans, Arguments, and Emasculated Cucks (2019 thread)

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Sports radio up here said going into the game that Harbaugh wants to play both quarterbacks every game. I didn't watch the scUM game, but McCaffrey coming in doesn't surprise me. I guess my point is, I wouldn't put too much on any 'reason' why McCaffrey went in.
Most people that I have talked with here, think McCaffrey is better anyway. There’s also concern that he will leave if he doesn’t get playing time.
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I don’t have a particular take on this arguemrnt; frankly I don’t give a damn. I just think it’s funny how these dumbasses can still get their panties in a bunch over people being negative about mediocre performances against bad opponents.

Yes, how dare someone assume that such performances might lead to negative results against better competition culminating in losing multiple games in a row to end the season.

When has that ever happened to justify such pessimism? How dare they.
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