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ttun Shenanigans and Arguments (2017 official thread)

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Quid pro quo. But at least he didn't throw his name on an award.
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Best RB (group), Best WRs, Best defensive lineman....

somewhere around mid-season they all decided that their RBs are all beasts bc of how many yards they all racked up playing in an offense that couldn't pass. they all think each of their RBs is better than Weber, because look how many yards they all have compared to him.
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somewhere around mid-season they all decided that their RBs are all beasts bc of how many yards they all racked up playing in an offense that couldn't pass. they all think each of their RBs is better than Weber, because look how many yards they all have compared to him.

It's even worse than that, though:

Higdon only played well in a few games against awful rush defenses--he had 200 yards against each of Indiana and Minnesota, and 158 against Rutgers. Other than that, his high game was 65. So they can pardon me if I don't think he's the next Walter Payton.

Evans had 191 against Minnesota (nice defense, Fleck!) and otherwise never broke 100 yards in a game all year.

As for the Weber point, that's largely driven by them still being butthurt about Weber spurning them on NSD a few years back--they'll do anything to convince themselves they didn't really need him.
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It's even worse than that, though:

Higdon only played well in a few games against awful rush defenses--he had 200 yards against each of Indiana and Minnesota, and 158 against Rutgers. Other than that, his high game was 65. So they can pardon me if I don't think he's the next Walter Payton.

Evans had 191 against Minnesota (nice defense, Fleck!) and otherwise never broke 100 yards in a game all year.

As for the Weber point, that's largely driven by them still being butthurt about Weber spurning them on NSD a few years back--they'll do anything to convince themselves they didn't really need him.
Oh they've been hating on Weber for years. He'd be their every down back if they had him, but let's pretend Evans is better. Dipshits.
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