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ttun Shenanigans and Arguments (2017 official thread)

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Couldnt even manage getting into the B1G title game the year Ohio State was not eligible. Sad!

To be fair, Michigan wasn't in Ohio State's division that year. Nor were they in the same division when Ohio State had its worst record since Cooper's first year.

But that shouldn't matter. It really is sad/fucking hilarious. They're Michigan. In my lifetime, Michigan has never really been lighting the country on fire with their awesomeness. (One could argue that they haven't done that since 1950 or earlier.) But they were usually in the hunt for Big Ten championships, and winning more than their fair share. I've been annoyed that Ohio State has "only" been in 3 CCG's and "only" won 2 of them. They're really fallen a long, long way, to not ever winning their division, regardless of whether Ohio State is competing with them or not.
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Time for that idiot fan base to get all butt hurt again--Bosa was named first team All-America by the AFCA, and Hurst was named second team.


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But they were usually in the hunt for Big Ten championships, and winning more than their fair share. I've been annoyed that Ohio State has "only" been in 3 CCG's and "only" won 2 of them. They're really fallen a long, long way, to not ever winning their division, regardless of whether Ohio State is competing with them or not.

They were what Wisconsin is now, which was good enough when OSU was underachieving a bit to win BIG titles and pretend to be elite. Now, they're not even that good and with OSU underachieving a lot less the decline is exacerbated. Pretty much a happy situation all around as far as I'm concerned.
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