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ttun Shenanigans and Arguments (2017 official thread)

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Patterson's destiny is to become another false hope savior.....ala Tater.

September Heisman who crumbles later in the year in the heat of B1G play.

Let’s be honest here. If this experiment doesn’t work out, they’ll be taking to the streets in AA with pitchforks. Hairball has a lot riding on this.

That said, if he’s a redux of Tater Tot, it will be glorious. There’s no way, however, I think that he’s taking him if he is a TT redux. Looking forward to watching their sieve of an OL protecting him next year.
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I watched a little bit of Patterson, and I think he's ok, but not that great IMO. I like the comparison of a poor man's manziel. The question for how we'll their 2018 season goes is how close to manziel he really is. Im gonna go with 10-2, with losses to MSU and OSU. Um actually has a tough schedule this year with two very tough games and three additional difficult games (@ND to open the season, vs Wisconsin, vs PSU). I think their roster and Patterson are good enough to win the three difficult games, but not the two very tough games (MSU brings back EVERYONE including their solid QB and are home, and OSU is OSU and is home).
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Let’s be honest here. If this experiment doesn’t work out, they’ll be taking to the streets in AA with pitchforks. Hairball has a lot riding on this.

That said, if he’s a redux of Tater Tot, it will be glorious. There’s no way, however, I think that he’s taking him if he is a TT redux. Looking forward to watching their sieve of an OL protecting him next year.
Yea he's definitely better than Tate, bit if you're giving me a scale of 1 (Tate) to 10 (Manziel) I'd say 6 or 7. They need him to be at least an 8 to beat MSU or OSU imo.
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Yea he's definitely better than Tate, bit if you're giving me a scale of 1 (Tate) to 10 (Manziel) I'd say 6 or 7. They need him to be at least an 8 to beat MSU or OSU imo.

That’s about what I figured. An upgrade to the Tot. I don’t recall the OL that was protecting him, but can it be as bad as what they have now?

I don’t get paid the big bucks to coach a historically great team... I get that. And to that end, who am I to judge. But fuck... this is our board so Imma gonna.

If it were me I’d be far more interested in fixing the OL and getting some depth in the QB room... in that order. I don’t think that Peters is a bad QB. He’s young. Regardless of who you put under center, they need to be protected and the OL needs to be able to get enough push to make the run game a threat. Not focusing on the OL is a huge miss as far as I’m concerned. A QB, regardless of who it is and how much talent he has, needs to have adequate protection. Miss on that front and I don’t care who they bring in, it’s not going to make a difference.

“Also ran in the B1G.” Couldn’t have said it better myself.
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What I would be interested in is if Peters is on pace to graduate in 3 years or not. Because if he isn't, he's taking a HUGE gamble not transferring after spring if he thinks it will be Patterson's job. Imagine a scenario where Patterson wins the job and is good but not good enough to go pro early. Peters is then looking at being a reshshirt senior when he could get a chance at starting. At least if he could graduate after next year he could transfer and have two years to play.

And while I think he'll be eligible, what if he isn't? How awkward would that be? Patterson gonna stick around to be scout team qb for a year?
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What I would be interested in is if Peters is on pace to graduate in 3 years or not. Because if he isn't, he's taking a HUGE gamble not transferring after spring if he thinks it will be Patterson's job. Imagine a scenario where Patterson wins the job and is good but not good enough to go pro early. Peters is then looking at being a reshshirt senior when he could get a chance at starting. At least if he could graduate after next year he could transfer and have two years to play.

And while I think he'll be eligible, what if he isn't? How awkward would that be? Patterson gonna stick around to be scout team qb for a year?

It's O'Korn & Speight all over again. Results may vary(but maybe not).
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What could possibly go wrong with bringing in multiple starters who will get immediate playing time over players who have earned it by working hard for 3 or 4 years? It definitely won't piss off any of the current players and certainly won't hurt recruiting.
I will not sit here and let you say that Harbaugh's act eventually rubs people the wrong way. If there were reports of this in the past, then maybe. But to just bring this up out of the blue for the first time? I'm just shocked.
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