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ttun Shenanigans and Arguments (2017 official thread)

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Their whole program building is down to relying on getting transfers from other schools?

All the while making sure they have matadors on the oline and slow ass WR's?

If I were a scUM fan the first thing I'd do is crush my own nuts for that fact alone...then I'd crush them again for watching this dumpster fire.
Hey it's not just transfers from other schools. They also hold bowl practices at 5* kids' high schools.
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Gotta love this little nugget of stupidity from mgoblog (made while whining about Denzel Ward being named 1st team All-Big Ten by PFF over David Long and Lavert Hill):

Pretty rich how he cherry picks Ward's first career start to draw conclusions from a sample size of one game, all the while ignoring how Ward became a lockdown corner the rest of the year and cemented himself as a first-rounder, should he decide to leave OSU early. It's no wonder Michigan has the dumbest fan base in America when they're constantly reading simple-minded garbage like this.

Just following up on this: Ward was named first team All-America by the AP. Well done, mgoblog. :lol: #clownshow

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While the jury may be out on Patterson, I wonder if those tweeters noticed that all those guys couldn't beat out Wilton Speight... and ... while Peters eventual got the nod, none of them looked, to the coaches, better than John fucking O'Korn. Lmao
You're assuming those doing the evaluation know what they are doing :)
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So, I took a look at Patterson's game log for this year...

Against South Alabama, UT Martin and Vandy, he looked pretty good, I have to say. 13 to 1 TD to INT ratio. Lowest Completion % was 62.9 (Vandy)



Against Cal, Bama and LSU he was 2 to 8 TD to INT ratio. Highest Completion % was 59.1 (Cal) in the 40s for both Bama and LSU.

He actually did do decent against Barn in a 44-23 loss.

Some opinions/scouting from mgoblog...

That's fairly representative. High ceiling; inconsistent with his throws and reads.
That said, Patterson did not seem like a five-star guy on an initial viewing. The name that leapt immediately and repeatedly to mind was Tate Forcier. Patterson's got the same level of mobility and size; he's very much a MAKE PLAYS gunslinger; his accuracy left something to be desired.
Tate Forcier, you say? Yes, plz. :lol:


So, what they're getting is a guy that has some physical tools, but struggles with reads and accuracy. And you're gonna put him behind a line that struggled all year in pass pro, and doesn't look like it will be markedly better next year? Sounds like a plan to me. :evil:
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All of the positive attributes they're touting about Patterson are the exact same as O'Korn three years ago..."good arm", "gunslinger", "good mobility", "makes plays."

I'll make a not-so-wild prediction, whether he wins the job out of camp or not, Peters will be starting The Game next year. Patterson will struggle behind their dogshit OL, and after a few too many turnovers, Simple Jim will turn to Peters.
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I hope Patterson ends up not starting. I'm sure some great drama would come of that, considering it's doubtful Patterson would agree to go anywhere where he was not promised the starting job.
Oh no no no no. You are sorely mistaken. Apparently, Harbaugh would never promise a recruit anything. That's just not the Harbaugh way. You have to earn what you get.

Fucking morons.
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