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ttun Shenanigans and Arguments (2017 official thread)

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:lol: Them claiming to have the "BEST WR GROUP!" After their top WR managed 25 catches this year......

That would have been good enough for 4th among Ohio State's WRs

As for RBs.....anyone who actually claims they'd take Higdon over Dobbins (I would not even take him over Weber tbh) is 100% Insane
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:slappy: how can ANY QB recruit look at that school and go "yep I wanna go learn from that guy" 3 recruiting classes... 3 Grad transfers have started, is after he had 1 of his recruits start and made them look decent...

Well... he is going to Ole Miss currently. If nothing else, he's achieved what thousands of undergrads there can only dream of - getting a grad degree at a top Public University. Even if he's only allowed to take Kinesiology or Communications.

Their whole program building is down to relying on getting transfers from other schools?

All the while making sure they have matadors on the oline and slow ass WR's?

If I were a scUM fan the first thing I'd do is crush my own nuts for that fact alone...then I'd crush them again for watching this dumpster fire.

Kansas State of the East (relative to the Mississippi)
So say they get all these transfers, seven or so, then some folks have to leave or their recruiting class has to get smaller right?

Harbaugh has gone through this in previous years - he just drops the least impressive 3stars at the last minute.

Oh no no no no. You are sorely mistaken. Apparently, Harbaugh would never promise a recruit anything. That's just not the Harbaugh way. You have to earn what you get.

Fucking morons.

Harbaugh only promises parents jobs...

He just hires their parents or HS coaches.

Beat me to it
I watched a little bit of Patterson, and I think he's ok, but not that great IMO. I like the comparison of a poor man's manziel. The question for how we'll their 2018 season goes is how close to manziel he really is. Im gonna go with 10-2, with losses to MSU and OSU. Um actually has a tough schedule this year with two very tough games and three additional difficult games (@ND to open the season, vs Wisconsin, vs PSU). I think their roster and Patterson are good enough to win the three difficult games, but not the two very tough games (MSU brings back EVERYONE including their solid QB and are home, and OSU is OSU and is home).

Well they don't have a Mike Evans ... so even if he was a good rep of Manziel, still trash.
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Well they don't have a Mike Evans ... so even if he was a good rep of Manziel, still trash.
I don't think that's completely fair of either manziel in college (he'd still be a beast without Evans) or the potential that Michigan has in Tarik Black and DPJ. Won't know for sure until next year but they were both true freshmen and could be a dunamic duo as sophomores. I absolutely think they'll be a deadly combo as juniors before both probably leave early, but who knows if Patterson will still be there.
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I don't think that's completely fair of either manziel in college (he'd still be a beast without Evans) or the potential that Michigan has in Tarik Black and DPJ. Won't know for sure until next year but they were both true freshmen and could be a dunamic duo as sophomores. I absolutely think they'll be a deadly combo as juniors before both probably leave early, but who knows if Patterson will still be there.

I watched more than a few of his games. He was a turnover machine whose only saving grace was running around like a chicken with his head cut off and possibly making a few yards or throwing it up on a hope and a prayer... like so many English National Teams... for Mike Evans to make a play.
It's not a mistake that NFL scouting identified who the real stud was. The Browns and Kiper were the only idiots that couldn't figure it out... results don't lie either.
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I watched more than a few of his games. He was a turnover machine whose only saving grace was running around like a chicken with his head cut off and possibly making a few yards or throwing it up on a hope and a prayer... like so many English National Teams... for Mike Evans to make a play.
It's not a mistake that NFL scouting identified who the real stud was. The Browns and Kiper were the only idiots that couldn't figure it out... results don't lie either.
The NFL has nothing to do with it. Was Troy Smith a bad QB at OSU? If you watched Manziel a ton in college and came away thinking that he would be nothing without Evans, you're crazy. Obviously Evans was able to make him elite in college (he doesn't win the Heisman without Evans), but you're making him sound like a stiff if he didn't have a stud receiver.
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