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ttun recruiting (all classes)

The "big momentum" continues with the #300 OVR #22 EDGE. This coming off the news that their top edge target is likely Texas A&M bound. Wasn't this supposed to be the year that scUM opened up the NIL bank finally?

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Apparently scUM just lost a recruit to Rutgers......:gagnam:





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It's not their first, either. That 3* LB that committed to Rutgers that has caused all of this butthurt is the EIGHTH recruit with a TCUN offer that chose Rutgers over TCUN.

No joke. Real life. Pinch me.
But why would someone not choose the national champs and the biggest and best stage? As if those things illegitimate and not true?
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Only 3 of their 10 current commits' are in the top 200 of the composite, and they aren't really in the true running for very many other top 200 guys.

This is not how a school who has made the playoff each the past 3 seasons and is coming off of just winning a national title should be recruiting.
FIFY - "coming off cheating their way to stealing a national title"
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Everybody is shaking in their boots.... Rutgers isn't

rattle off their top players

JJ high 4* #38, 5 spots below edwards
Corum 4* (was initially a top 60 guy, dropped to 100ish)
Edwards 5* #33 ovr
Wilson 4*
Loveland 4*
Graham 4*
Grant 4*
Colson 4* #103
Will Johnson 5* #35 ovr
Moore 4*
Sabb #95 ovr (key piece in cfp)

Did they develop sleepers and seventh year guys? absolutely. Did they have stars that they plucked out of the hands of the MAC? not many. There's a few like Mike S, but a large portion of their core stars are blue chippers, high 4* or lower 4*.

this particular account is trolltastic, but wanted to address that common talking point
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Everybody is shaking in their boots.... Rutgers isn't

Almost the whole coaching staff that won that national title that was created from cheating is gone.......that's a important thing to factor in.

They are recruiting about the same they did in good years under Harbaugh. "Elite" is a strong word, they have a top 10-15 class but they still arent close to the top 5.
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Also they continue to recruit well defensively which is expected but this class is very much lacking in any sort of offensive fire power for them. They aren't really in the running for any of the higher level guys that are still left out there either. Even the OL class for them right now is meh.
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