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tOSU's BCS Bowl possibilities

Actually, I believe the rest of the nations hatred of all things Buckeye pushes us to the Fiesta. If you did not have a rooting interest in a this game, would you watch a Bosie-Texas matchup the Monday after New Years Day. It does have a David/Goliath aspect, but at the end of plethora of CFB games in the preceding days, I doubt that too many general CFB fans would be looking forward it. Also the Fiesta has to worry that the Texas offense will put 3 TDs up on Boise in the 1st Quarter, causing the nation to look for other activities.

Now consider Texas-tOSU game. Besides the large Fan Base across the nation of Buckeye Fans, those that hate us might tune in to see us get beat. Also the Fiesta Bowl would most likely believe the match up would not get out of hand early.

If anyone thinks this is going to be decided by anything other then money, I want some of what your smoking.
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lvbuckeye;1342075; said:
just thought i'd point that out. still think Utah doesn't deserve to get in?

and how in hell does USC's schedule rank 32nd?

at any rate, according to the NCAA, USC's schedule rates 71st, Bama's 68th, and Utah's 63rd... fwiw...

might as well continue. Cincy's schedule rates 53rd according to the NCAA, Boston College and Vatech rate 31 and 23 respectively, Utah is at 63, Boise St is 72, Penn State comes in tied with Bama at 68, Oklahoma is #1, Texas is #6, and the Buckeyes come in at #11...

Ohio State's schedule rates above the great SEC power Alabama's?

impossible, how can a big 10 team have a tougher schedule than a SEC team?

the NCAA must have made a mistake
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I'd rather win a bowl game outside the BCS than lose yet another high profile game.

I would rather not try and say I did not fail. I want to be the best middle of the pack team. Is that what you are saying? How about this, I would rather try for greatness and fail than to strive for mediocre and succeed. How about we go back to the 9-3 Earl days and be happy with a Citrus bowl invite. I want to see the Bucks in a BCS bowl every year. I want recruits to see us in a BCS game every year. What do we want to tell recruits, "Follow us to Orlando"? "Come to Ohio State and you will have a shot at going to San Antonio."
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alpo;1341616; said:
Alright, thanks.
From gross proceeds, right?
Then who gets, or where does the other $11.5MM go?

May I please ask, If/when you get a chance, would you please reference this determination from somewhere so I can see/understand this. Thanks again!

Article from a few years ago but sums up the Bowl payout system pretty well. This is still the current system and the huge payouts are not quite as they seem.

$17M BCS payouts sound great, but ... - USATODAY.com

$17M BCS payouts sound great, but ...
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gracelhink;1342078; said:
I don't think any bowl selection committee will care too much what the Pick Boise campaign thinks.
The committees understand their business and have an agenda:
Pull shares of tv viewership in prime time slots and put fans in the stadium seats, area restaurants, hotels, amusements, and bars.
There is a stigma attached to empty seats in a BCS game.
It is interesting that biased announcers are trying to dispute Boise's reputation for a noisy but notoriously small fan base.
Here's the facts about how Boise shows up and travels:
Boise's home attendance for their "big games":
Fresno State 32,400, Utah State 32,171, Hawaii 32,300
How do they travel?
Total attendance at Nevada 27K,
at in state Idaho 17K :sleep1:,
at Oregon 58K (Oregon averages 58K+ on the year)
at New Mexico State 15K,
at San Jose State 26k,

Contrary to the pick Boise campaign being propogated--for fan base and tv viewership, Boise State does not arouse national tv ratings and its fans do not travel well!
Any bowl selection committee should fear the loss of bucks from being forced to ride the Broncos.

Excellent points. Something else for the Bowl selectors to consider this year is the state of the national economy and its effect on the spending habits of the general public at large.

Alot of people around the country are feeling pinched and having to tighten their belts. Spending hundreds and even thousands of dollars to travel across the country to see a football game that you could stay home and watch on TV for free is not something that alot of people are gonna be willing to do this year. Atleast, there is likely alot fewer people this year willing to consider this expenditure.

For the selection committee, the safest bet this year is to look to the eligible teams with the LARGEST fan bases. The strategy being that the larger a fanbase, the more likely that they'll find the numbers they need to make their money. After all, it is all about the money!

Add these thoughts to the fact that the BCS is already stuck with a couple smaller fanbase teams in Utah and Cincy and this makes it even more likely that our Buckeyes will win this popularity contest over the likes of Boise State.

Cincy in the BCS sounds like an absolute disaster to me. Congrats to Cincy but damn, that football program doesn't belong in a 17 million dollar bowl game. Not now and probably not ever. Good for them though. But it's bad for the BCS bean counters that's for sure. What company wants to pay top dollar to finance advertising commercials for a bowl game matchup that boasts the Cincinnati Bearcats as one of the participants? Maybe AIG etc. can put up some of their bail out money toward advertising during this game. That sounds like a solid investment of the taxpayers money doesn't it?

Everybody's feeling the pinch. The BCS bowls and their host cities will likely feel it as well. Be smart Fiesta Bowl. Pick the Buckeyes! That is, as long as USC doesn't screw up your payday by blowing it against UCLA. That'd be funny though and it would just make it worse for the BCS having to be stuck with Oregon State too!

The BCS gets what they deserve! [censored] on them!

Go Buckeyes!!!!
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- The SEC championship game loser is almost certain to be the first choice of the Sugar, and then it'll get the second choice of the at-large teams (after the Sugar and Fiesta pick to replace the national champion comtatants). It's not likely going to be too interested in Cincinnati, and it's not going to be thrilled with getting Utah, considering the bowl had Hawaii last year, so watch for a back-channel deal for the Utes to stay closer to home and go to the Fiesta and for the Sugar to jump all over the Buckeyes.

Scout.com: 2008 Bowl Projections ... Updated Nov. 30
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BCS dream lives on

Sunday, November 30, 2008
The BCS dream lives on for Ohio State, thanks to another OSU losing.
Oregon's victory over Oregon State on Saturday night gave the Pac-10 title and the Rose Bowl bid to USC. That took the Trojans out of the BCS at-large pool and leaves Ohio State as virtually the only viable team to fill the final at-large spot for the BCS bowls.
It still doesn't settle the question of where the Buckeyes are going. The Fiesta Bowl will select ahead of the Sugar Bowl and Orange Bowl and is very interested in Ohio State. But the BCS powers also could determine that a potentially unattractive Orange Bowl matchup could use the Buckeyes' drawing power, which does exist, no matter how much college football fans may be tired of Ohio State. The Buckeyes haven't played in the Orange Bowl since 1977.
So the final decision will not be made until next week. But for the fourth consecutive year, Ohio State will be part of the BCS.
- Doug Lesmerises
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See this is the problem Quagmire. The Fiesta Bowl is only worried about making its bowl game and Tempe a shit load of money...the Buckeye fans will accomplish this. The committee could give a shit about the Sugar...they have their own challenges. I had a LSU fan tell me he was shocked at home many people we had at the NCG and in New Orleans...he was amazed. The Fiesta Bowl doesn't always pick the Buckeyes for no reason...They will be able to get great ad (ratings)money for this game as well.

In other words whoever has first pick will pick the Buckeyes. IMO the OB is screwed.
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brutus2002;1342105; said:
See this is the problem Quagmire. The Fiesta Bowl is only worried about making its bowl game and Tempe a shit load of money...the Buckeye fans will accomplish this. The committee could give a shit about the Sugar...they have their own challenges. I had a LSU fan tell me he was shocked at home many people we had at the NCG and in New Orleans...he was amazed. The Fiesta Bowl doesn't always pick the Buckeyes for no reason...They will be able to get great ad (ratings)money for this game as well.

In other words whoever has first pick will pick the Buckeyes. IMO the OB is screwed.
Well I mean I would presume those "back-room deals" involve lots of money.

That being said... We still probably go to the fiesta.
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gracelhink;1342078; said:
I don't think any bowl selection committee will care too much what the Pick Boise campaign thinks.
The committees understand their business and have an agenda:
Pull shares of tv viewership in prime time slots and put fans in the stadium seats, area restaurants, hotels, amusements, and bars.
There is a stigma attached to empty seats in a BCS game.
It is interesting that biased announcers are trying to dispute Boise's reputation for a noisy but notoriously small fan base.
Here's the facts about how Boise shows up and travels:
Boise's home attendance for their "big games":
Fresno State 32,400, Utah State 32,171, Hawaii 32,300
How do they travel?
Total attendance at Nevada 27K,
at in state Idaho 17K :sleep1:,
at Oregon 58K (Oregon averages 58K+ on the year)
at New Mexico State 15K,
at San Jose State 26k,

Contrary to the pick Boise campaign being propogated--for fan base and tv viewership, Boise State does not arouse national tv ratings and its fans do not travel well!
Any bowl selection committee should fear the loss of bucks from being forced to ride the Broncos.

I was at the Boise State vs San Jose State game and I would imagine, at best, they had 3,000 fans there and that's probably being generous.

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buckeyemania11;1342093; said:
Ohio State's schedule rates above the great SEC power Alabama's?

impossible, how can a big 10 team have a tougher schedule than a SEC team?

the NCAA must have made a mistake

haha. the NCAA determines schedule strength based on the cumulative win/loss total of your opponents. Bama's opponents are 54-63 (64-64 including UF). the Buckeyes' opponents are 66-45.
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