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tOSU's BCS Bowl possibilities

shetuck;1342262; said:
I could see that, but I got the impression that it was an "open" poll. But maybe that was the point... to *give* that impression. I wasn't able to find it on their site so I could read the fine print.

My point, though, was that we're as much a bunch of homers (if not more) than any other group of fans, hence the tie-back to Steve's post and the sentiment he expressed about needing a win to close out this season.
Sure we are... but there's nothing wrong at all (in my opinion) with being a homer when it comes to clicking a button, or saying that you think you have a good shot at beating the UF's/oklahoma's in the world (as long as it's a legit possibility). Homerism is only annoying/douchebaggish when it comes to persistent ARGUING that your team is the best. Not clicking a button that OSU is the best team, but adamantly saying it to Florida or Oklahoma fans. That's just freaking annoying. Or the typical scUM/ND shit where it's "we're going to fucking kick your asses next year!!". But just clicking a button... That's just typical believing your school is the best, which we really should believe, it's school pride.
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A person on antoher forum I frequent was wondering why the Fiesta bowl would want a "2 loss team fighting to gain respect" in their bowl. This is all coming from a Utah Utes fan! Is it just me or does tOSU(the only people that count) have the utmost respect for how the program is being run at The Ohio State University? I for one could care less what the haters have to say about our team!

I'd like to see a Fiesta Bowl matchup with Mizzou:evil::evil:.
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3074326;1342510; said:
I don't think the Fiesta Bowl cares if we're trying to gain respect.. they know that our fans travel well and we're 10-2.

Seeing 10-2 tOSU versus 11-2 UF would be a great consolation prize if we lose to the Tahd.

It might take me a little while to get to that point after the loss, but I'd get there eventually. :tongue2:
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3074326;1342510; said:
I don't think the Fiesta Bowl cares if we're trying to gain respect.. they know that our fans travel well and we're 10-2.

It all comes down to who is going to generate the most money for that bowl game. Whoever gets Ohio State is lucky and they know it.

Fucking Boise State vs. Utah would generate dick and they know that as well.

As far as the respect thing goes...

Of course Ohio State fans respect the program, coaches and players. But we live in a "what have you done for me lately" culture and Ohio State has done nothing the last few years to show anyone that they deserve any respect. They have beaten the teams they should beat and have gotten blown out on the national stage 3 times in the last three years by the really good teams they have faced.

As the Nature Boy Ric Flair once said..."YOU WANNA BE THE MAN YOU GOTTA BEAT THE MAN! WHOOO!!"
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cataboy3;1342500; said:
so pretty much the teams we might play are

Texas (in the Fiesta Bowl)
Missouri (if they somehow upset Oklahoma) (in the Fiesta Bowl)
Alabama/Florida (in the Sugar Bowl)
Geogia (Capital One)


Correct, and the Capital One option should only be possible if UCLA beats USC.
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Kennesaw71;1342537; said:
So is it more preferable to go to the BCS Bowl game and get 60 hung on us by Oklahoma or Texas or go to the Capital One and play a beatable Georgia team and GET OUR FIRST BOWL WIN EVER OVER A FRIGGEN SEC TEAM????

FIFY. I get the feeling no matter what happens, you won't remember the results after a week.
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Kennesaw71;1342537; said:
So is it more preferable to go to the BCS Bowl game and get 60 hung on us by Oklahoma or Texas or go to the Capital One and play a beatable Georgia team and GET OUR FIRST WIN EVER OVER A FRIGGEN SEC TEAM????


Screw those 1pm New Years Day bowls. I want prime time!!!!!

What's more preferable? Going to a BCS game and losing to a team we're supposed to lose to or going to a second rate bowl and losing to a third rate SEC team?

I'll take my chances with Texas, thank you.
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