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tOSU's BCS Bowl possibilities

tibor75;1342617; said:
If ANY other team in the land had gotten their butts destroyed in 2 consecutive BCS games, they would be ripped as well. Especially if this team had beaten no team of value in season 3, and gotten drilled by the best team they played.

Make no mistake, this has nothing to do with ESPN. OSU has made their own bed.

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If ANY other team in the land had gotten their butts destroyed in 2 consecutive BCS games, they would be ripped as well. Especially if this team had beaten no team of value in season 3, and gotten drilled by the best team they played.

Make no mistake, this has nothing to do with ESPN. OSU has made their own bed.

Does OSU deserve a BCS Bowl? Probably not to be honest because we lost to our two toughest teams we had to play. However when we're picking between Boise or OSU I think it's pretty cut and dry. Do we need to even mention Boise's schedule? So they beat oregon, have you seen the way Oregon has played defense this year? You combine a poor defense with a tricky offense and of course Boise would win. If this was a choice between OSU or Texas Tech then yes OSU should be left in the cold. However anything thats going to be said will be because of freaking BOISE STATE.

Delusional fan hu? I think i'm being actually just using common sense tibor.
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FWBuckeye;1342625; said:

Oklahoma didn't lose to USC 35-3, or score 6 points at home against Penn State.

You can't ignore the rest of his statement. I've seen a lot of negative rep for Oklahoma lately. I remember a quote that I heard somewhere.. "I'd like to see OSU play Oklahoma. At least one of them would end a slump."

They're being hyped quite a bit, but they have some big wins in the regular season this year. And they're still facing some criticism.
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can't argue with ESPN for pointing out our recent losses in big games though. Only reason we will get the BCS invite is because it's between a major power and a relative minor BCS team. Until Boise actually gets into a traditionally strong conference then they shouldn't expect anything else when it's between ANY conference powerhouse and themselves. We'll get in pretty much by default but who really cares.
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FWBuckeye;1342632; said:
I did after the post, but my statement still stands. I still believe they don't get nearly as media raped as we do.

Yeah i totally agree. I never hear anything about oklahoma getting destroyed by USC, or getting beat by LSU, or getting beat by boise st, or getting destroyed by West Va last year. Why doesnt anyone bring that up? Well in most arguments i bring it up how its not fair they criticize us for losing two in a row, when oklahoma has lost 4 straight BCS games. Two of them being NC's. I really dont think its fair at all.
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Their conference isn't perceived as weak. Whether that's fair or not, I'll let you decide.

Half of our problem was that (I think) we were very overrated both last year and against Florida, especially last year. We were expected to beat Florida, and many thought we'd roll them. That probably leaves a bitter taste in peoples' mouths. Then we go up against LSU, in a game where many thought we backed into. We didn't do much to make everyone like us.

What you guys are forgetting to mention is that we were the preseason #1 in many polls, and the #2 in the rest of them. We had a shot at redemption against USC and we blew it.

I don't agree with OSU being the focus of BCS failure, but I understand it at the moment. This post is speculation on my part, except where I said we were overrated last year and against Florida.
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3074326;1342660; said:
Their conference isn't perceived as weak. Whether that's fair or not, I'll let you decide.

Half of our problem was that (I think) we were very overrated both last year and against Florida, especially last year. We were expected to beat Florida, and many thought we'd roll them. That probably leaves a bitter taste in peoples' mouths. Then we go up against LSU, in a game where many thought we backed into. We didn't do much to make everyone like us.

What you guys are forgetting to mention is that we were the preseason #1 in many polls, and the #2 in the rest of them. We had a shot at redemption against USC and we blew it.

I don't agree with OSU being the focus of BCS failure, but I understand it at the moment. This post is speculation on my part, except where I said we were overrated last year and against Florida.

Yeah we really did blow it against USC. And it angers me to know we had a shot to get some respect back. If only beanie had not been hurt, and our Offensive line showed up...we could've kept it close and at least gain a little respect.

But when you look at Oklahoma, they had Jason White, and i remember a lot of people thought that Usc and Oklahoma would be an extremely good game, but it was a blowout just like our meltdown against florida. Plus people need to remember the Big 12 hasnt always been as good as this year. Oklahoma has been getting blown out in the BCS bowls loooong before the big 12 became good. Normally its been Oklahoma and Texas...every year.
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Im surprised more people aren't as excited as i am about the Chance of playing Texas in the Fiesta Bowl. This is a pretty big opportunity for the Buckeyes to play the number 3 team who got screwed out of the BCS, and hopefully JT can pull out a win that he is obviously due for. Not to mention Penn State playing the number 4 team in USC, basically giving the big 10 a huge chance to make a statement. More people believe Texas should be in the NC game. Think about if Oklahoma wins big in the NC, and we can beat Texas good..(which i think is quite possible and i live in Austin..), regardless of what Penn State does, it could cause a shakeup in the final polls....not enough to effect the National Champion i dont think, but the Big 10 looks like it could have a chance to demand any respect that it deserves in those bowl games. Plus it will be nice for this years team to get a chance to truly show what they are made of now that Proyor has settled in at QB plus a healthy Beanie.
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3074326;1342636; said:
They don't, but they don't deserve to be at the moment.

To go along with this I would have to accept that fans having ridiculously short memories is a good thing. Oklahoma's BCS bowl atrocities have been going on longer than ours. They did it on the biggest stage, and then continued to do it when they failed to make it to the biggest stage. Overall, their BCS resume over the last half dozen years is worse than ours. But we were on the biggest stage the last two years. So if short memories are a good thing, you're right. I don't think short memories are a good thing.
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Buckeyefrankmp;1342095; said:
I would rather not try and say I did not fail. I want to be the best middle of the pack team. Is that what you are saying? How about this, I would rather try for greatness and fail than to strive for mediocre and succeed. How about we go back to the 9-3 Earl days and be happy with a Citrus bowl invite. I want to see the Bucks in a BCS bowl every year. I want recruits to see us in a BCS game every year. What do we want to tell recruits, "Follow us to Orlando"? "Come to Ohio State and you will have a shot at going to San Antonio."

Let's examine that heroic route.

I don't think that anyone has been disputing that this team deserves its ranking at #10. So, let's say we get into the BCS against a top 5 team. Let's say it's Texas. Realistically, on a neutral field, Vegas will give us about 7 points.

We've lost to the #1 and #3 teams in Sagarin's most accurate model. Texas is #1 in the regular Sagarin's and #4 in their predictor model. So, it's not an easy call for the #9 Buckeyes.

On the plus side, we would have Beanie healthy and Pryor with a lot more experience. We have some time, but not too much time, to prepare. On the other hand, we have had line problems all year and Texas leads the nation in sacks. Our passing offense is suspect, they are second in the nation in pass defense. They are the best team in the Big 12 and they have something to prove.

So, the game would not be that easy. The matchup is not compelling for us. They rank above us in almost every category and they are strongest (rushing defense) where it opposes our strengths and I think most unbiased folks would have to give them the nod.

The game could, but probably would not be, an embarrassing outcome. We most probably would win or lose a close one but the probability is that we would lose.

Now, let's consider another bowl game. Let's say it's Alabama. Their defensive statistics are equally impressive to Texas but their offense is much weaker. This would be a game that favors Tresselball. We run Beanie, Pryor, and Boom right at them. We throw enough to keep them off balance and control the clock. We let our defense take advantage of their offense and leverage our special teams advantage (a weakness of theirs) to ensure that we play with the shorter field.

Texas and Alabama are highly ranked. Both teams would be big wins, neither really bringing more prestige than the other. But Alabama is the more likely victory and the more satisfying (SEC) in my opinion.

Nobody is talking about mediocrity and if we lose, we'll have that three loss season you dread. What we're talking about is not getting into a bowl game that stretches this team so far that they cannot help but live down to the ugly expectations of the national press. We need to put this "big game chokers" reputation behind us now, or we'll find it really hard to crack into the top rankings the next two years when we really have a chance to go all the way.
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