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tOSU's BCS Bowl possibilities


I was just doing a little research on Boise State to compare their season against the Buckeyes, and I was shocked to see just what ESPN thinks of the Buckeyes.


While all the other teams get their last game profiled, ESPN gave everyone who looked at the Buckeyes team page a glaring reminder of how Ohio State has faired in the last 2 BCS games.

This kind of random stuff happens a lot at ESPN. You'd think they were HQed in Ann Arbor or the South.

[Edit: LSU vs OSU game has since been removed.]
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IronBuckI;1342941; said:
The 2002 team did not have the issues that this team does. The lack of faith doesn't just come from statistical rankings. It comes from actually knowing what situations this team has been through this season and how it's handled those situations. Suggesting that Steve is any less a fan than you because you're willing to thump your chest blindly without knowing all the details is ridiculous.

The 2002 team had plenty of issues and needed overtime and last second victories against some average to bad teams. I never said the 2 teams had the exact same characteristics i was simply saying that according to numbers and 'details' we weren't supposed to win that game.

To thump my chest blindly? Ohh im sorry you evidently understand all the details that determine that Ohio State would in fact lose to Texas? Ok well lets talk after we play them, I love people like you who act more intelligent on message boards because you can repeat whatever facts Mel Kiper and Todd Mcshay say. But your right, for me as an Ohio State fan to anticipate a game against number 3 Texas and believe we can win, clearly shows just how uninformed i am. Luckily there are people like you who do in fact 'know the details' to determine that we would not win a game versus Texas.

But yes I am aware that this team has 2 losses, they played USC with a different quarterback and the game really got away when TB threw the Pick 6...not to say we would have won, but the pick 6 took us into blowout territory. Needless to say, i would love for this years team to have an oppurtnity to play a top team with BEANIE healthy not to mention our new QB in pryor with a season under his belt. Our Defense would love one last chance to put up a top performance and i feel that they can be the best D in the nation at times (maybe you could give me some details as to why im wrong) But as an Ohio State fan i would love for THIS YEARS team to get another chance to play versus a top team in the nation which could replace the USC game as the defining moment of the season. Point being this is a completly different team than the USC game so it would be nice for them to get another opportuntiy to show the country what they are made of. Sorry but handing BAMA their second strait loss won't have the same effect as beating the team who got Jipped out of the NC game in Texas IMO But maybe i will learn the details and update my opinion.
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As long as USC doesn't lay a giant egg next week, I'm looking forward to the BCS bowls this year. Penn State-USC should be a good game. Oklahoma-Florida would be a shootout and Oklahoma-Alabama would be interesting to see what OK can do against a better defense. I will be watching the Cincinnati-ACC Champ because I'm currently attending graduate school at Cincinnati and my dad works in the UC hospital.

Between the fiesta and the sugar, I am leaning heavily in favor of the fiesta bowl. After Florida likely lays a royal smackdown on Bama, it would take a pretty impressive win for OSU to gain national respect from that game. I can see the headlines now, it would be things like "After OSU stumbles into the BCS, they beat already exposed Bama...". A win over Texas, no matter how close the margin of victory, would force respect because of the fact that a lot of people believe that Texas should be in the NC game to begin with. Conversely, any loss to Bama would be devastating. ESPN would go on and on about how much greater the SEC is even after an obviously mediocre year. It would take a blowout for a loss to Texas to have the same effect.

In my opinion, the fiesta bowl vs. Texas offers the best risk/reward scenario.
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PatMicMac;1343341; said:
As long as USC doesn't lay a giant egg next week, I'm looking forward to the BCS bowls this year. Penn State-USC should be a good game. Oklahoma-Florida would be a shootout and Oklahoma-Alabama would be interesting to see what OK can do against a better defense. I will be watching the Cincinnati-ACC Champ because I'm currently attending graduate school at Cincinnati and my dad works in the UC hospital.

Between the fiesta and the sugar, I am leaning heavily in favor of the fiesta bowl. After Florida likely lays a royal smackdown on Bama, it would take a pretty impressive win for OSU to gain national respect from that game. I can see the headlines now, it would be things like "After OSU stumbles into the BCS, they beat already exposed Bama...". A win over Texas, no matter how close the margin of victory, would force respect because of the fact that a lot of people believe that Texas should be in the NC game to begin with. Conversely, any loss to Bama would be devastating. ESPN would go on and on about how much greater the SEC is even after an obviously mediocre year. It would take a blowout for a loss to Texas to have the same effect.

In my opinion, the fiesta bowl vs. Texas offers the best risk/reward scenario.

IMO, I can't see PSU staying w/in 20 of USC out in the Rose Bowl. But I agree that all the other games should be great this bowl season (well, Bama may destroy Utah, but that game would still be fun to watch--I like a David v. Goliath game in my BCS bowl season).
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blazedett;1343297; said:
The 2002 team had plenty of issues and needed overtime and last second victories against some average to bad teams. I never said the 2 teams had the exact same characteristics i was simply saying that according to numbers and 'details' we weren't supposed to win that game.

To thump my chest blindly? Ohh im sorry you evidently understand all the details that determine that Ohio State would in fact lose to Texas? Ok well lets talk after we play them, I love people like you who act more intelligent on message boards because you can repeat whatever facts Mel Kiper and Todd Mcshay say. But your right, for me as an Ohio State fan to anticipate a game against number 3 Texas and believe we can win, clearly shows just how uninformed i am. Luckily there are people like you who do in fact 'know the details' to determine that we would not win a game versus Texas.

But yes I am aware that this team has 2 losses, they played USC with a different quarterback and the game really got away when TB threw the Pick 6...not to say we would have won, but the pick 6 took us into blowout territory. Needless to say, i would love for this years team to have an oppurtnity to play a top team with BEANIE healthy not to mention our new QB in pryor with a season under his belt. Our Defense would love one last chance to put up a top performance and i feel that they can be the best D in the nation at times (maybe you could give me some details as to why im wrong) But as an Ohio State fan i would love for THIS YEARS team to get another chance to play versus a top team in the nation which could replace the USC game as the defining moment of the season. Point being this is a completly different team than the USC game so it would be nice for them to get another opportuntiy to show the country what they are made of. Sorry but handing BAMA their second strait loss won't have the same effect as beating the team who got Jipped out of the NC game in Texas IMO But maybe i will learn the details and update my opinion.

Orakpo vs Boone...
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Orakpo vs Boone...

Trust me i am very familiar with the Texas team, i live in Austin and have been to 2 UT games this season, including the game UT vs T Tech game in Lubbock. Orakpo is a beast and yeah i believe that Boon and some of our other veteran Lineman have really been exposed in some big stage showdowns. Granted we are talking about different teams, we should have beat Texas on ther NC year with vince young playing off the chains. The buckeyes then ran over Mccoy and the Horns in Austin the following year. I really don't feel that the UT Program has evolved past the OSU program since those games, Texas just happened to get a big win vs Oklahoma and do well in a highly precieved Big12 conference this year. In reality the conference was topheavy, and Mccoy hasn't seen a defense like ours since the buckeyes were last in Austin. I think Lauranitis, Jenkins, Freeman, and co, are one of the most talented defenses we have seen, and i feel that they will finally play up to their potential by shutting the UT offense down.
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blazedett;1343380; said:
Orakpo vs Boone...

Trust me i am very familiar with the Texas team, i live in Austin and have been to 2 UT games this season, including the game UT vs T Tech game in Lubbock. Orakpo is a beast and yeah i believe that Boon and some of our other veteran Lineman have really been exposed in some big stage showdowns. Granted we are talking about different teams, we should have beat Texas on ther NC year with vince young playing off the chains. The buckeyes then ran over Mccoy and the Horns in Austin the following year. I really don't feel that the UT Program has evolved past the OSU program since those games, Texas just happened to get a big win vs Oklahoma and do well in a highly precieved Big12 conference this year. In reality the conference was topheavy, and Mccoy hasn't seen a defense like ours since the buckeyes were last in Austin. I think Lauranitis, Jenkins, Freeman, and co, are one of the most talented defenses we have seen, and i feel that they will finally play up to their potential by shutting the UT offense down.

fair enough.
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Yeah the way I see OSU vs Texas is we're just going to have to be very patient in this game. When we're on offense we've got to keep the chains moving and keep their offense off the field. Another big thing in my mind would be can our defense get off the field on 3rd down. McCoy is completing like 80 percent of his passes, and not to mention his running threat on the ground.

One thing I think OSU has going for them though is Texas hasn't faced a secondary like ours what so ever so far this year. I think our OSU team is much like Okie State in that we can run the ball very effectivly, have a mobile qb, and have an impact reciever (just we have a defense). Texas' secondary is still a question mark but that defensive line definately makes up for what they may lack in the back 7. However, maybe Pryor's escapability can negate some of that pass rush.

I do think playing Texas though is the best case scenerio for us in the BCS games.
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Buckeyes need direction as OSU bowl situation not settled
COLUMBUS - They can gas up the Ohio State team plane and put the flight crew on standby, but at least for the next few days the pilot won't know in which direction to point that aircraft. Do they take a southwest heading toward Phoenix and the Fiesta Bowl, or fly due south to New Orleans for the Sugar Bowl, or trace a route southeast to Orlando and the Capital One Bowl? All are possibilities at this point. The Buckeyes will remain in the "pending" file as to their specific postseason bowl destination until this weekend's league championship games around the country are completed, and the Bowl Championship Series slots start to fill up. Ohio State, which has not played since ending its season with a 42-7 pounding of Michigan on Nov. 22, has three options, unless something crazy happens this weekend to further jumble the picture. The first option has the Buckeyes (10-2) playing in the Capital One Bowl in Orlando against Georgia from the SEC. That game is one of seven with ties to the Big Ten, and with Penn State representing the Big Ten in the Rose Bowl, the Capital One has the next pick and would opt for the Buckeyes, if available. Ohio State and Penn State both finished as Big Ten champions, but Penn State gets the Rose Bowl bid because it beat the Buckeyes. The second and third Ohio State options wipe out that Capital One scenario and come into play if the Buckeyes become part of the BCS pool with an at-large bid. That became a possibility when Oregon State lost last weekend, positioning Southern California to take the Pac-10 BCS bid, and freeing up an at-large berth that could result in the Buckeyes going to Phoenix. "Every bowl would love to have a program like Ohio State involved in their game," Fiesta Bowl vice-president Shawn Schoeffler said yesterday, after emphasizing nothing will be definite until after this weekend's games are completed. "They were here four times recently in a five-year span, and they have been outstanding. They have as loyal a fan base as there is in the country, and they've brought a lot of people here every time."
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Ohio State football: A full look at the Buckeyes' BCS bowl scenarios

by Doug Lesmerises Tuesday December 02, 2008, 6:30 AM

The BCS bowl pairings will be revealed Sunday at 8 p.m. on FOX. There's still the chance that Boise State could be chosen instead of Ohio State for a BCS bowl and send the Buckeyes to the Capital One Bowl, though I think there's a better chance of Jim Tressel hiring Charlie Weis as his new offensive coordinator.
So assuming that Ohio State will play in a BCS bowl, here's my attempt to explain why the Fiesta, Sugar and Orange Bowls all remain as possible landing spots for Ohio State. I've done it before in less detail, but when it comes to the BCS, there's usually a lot of explaining to do. But if you want to curl up into a little ball until Sunday night and just wait for the announcement, that's fine. Just stop reading now.
Ohio State could go to the:

Fiesta Bowl Possible opponents: Texas and Missouri
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Bowl president would welcome OSU on Jan. 5
Tuesday, December 2, 2008 3:15 AM
By Ken Gordon

The Fiesta Bowl committee likely holds the key to Ohio State's bowl fate, so the question is: Are Fiesta officials wary of having the Buckeyes for the fifth time in seven years? "Do you think the Steelers would let us use the phrase, 'One for the thumb?' " was Fiesta president John Junker's response. "Can you have too much of a good thing? I guess it's possible.
"But we look at every game as a new experience. There are new players every year, and Ohio State is always someone people love to have in bowl games."
Despite playing host to the Buckeyes in 2003, 2004, 2006 and the 2007 national championship game, Junker and his committee hold Ohio State in high regard. That bodes well for OSU's chances of playing Texas or Missouri in Glendale, Ariz., on Jan. 5.
As it stands today, the national championship game will likely pit a Big 12 team against the Southeastern Conference champion. That would give the Fiesta and Sugar the first two choices of the at-large teams.
A Sugar Bowl official recently told The Dispatch they are poised to take the Florida-Alabama loser. And Junker yesterday all but guaranteed that if Oklahoma wins the Big 12 title game, the Fiesta will take Texas.
Once those two selections are made, the order is Fiesta, Sugar and Orange. Utah and Cincinnati must be selected to play in a Bowl Championship Series game, and the at-large schools likely to be considered are Ohio State and Boise State.
In the New York Post on Friday, Junker was quoted as saying a Fiesta matchup of Boise State and Utah "is something we are mulling."
Yesterday, Junker downplayed that scenario, which would drop Ohio State out of the BCS into the Capital One Bowl.
"I wouldn't give that any more weight than any other one on the board," he said yesterday, adding that he was quoted while there were still myriad upset possibilities in last weekend's games.
He also discounts the school of thought that Ohio State is less attractive to BCS games after two straight losses in national title games.
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The B in BCS Could be for Buckeyes

December 1, 10:40 PM
by Andy Zoric, Ohio State Buckeyes Examiner

With five BCS bowl games and ten spots therein, the Ohio State Buckeyes are holding onto that tenth spot like grim death.

For the third week in a row the BCS standings show Ohio State at the tenth spot. This puts them right on the edge of being invited to one of the five biggest bowl games? okay one of the four non BCS Championship games.

But there are any number of scenarios that would move Ohio State up, or down in their pursuit of January kickoffs.

What the debate among the BCS pollsters comes down to is which team, Ohio State or Boisie State gets the at-large bid for a BCS game. Penn State is the Big Ten?s conference representative to the BCS playing in this year?s Rose Bowl. The Broncos of the state best known for potatoes are atop the WAC a conference that has not kept pace with the team from the blue field.

Boise State has proven that they can hang with a BCS team besting Oklahoma last year 43-42 in the Fiesta Bowl.

Ohio State on the other hand does have the reputation for being a January disappointment. Of course that is only if you fail to look past the last two years where Ohio State defeated Notre Dame, Oklahoma State and Miami (FL) for a national title.
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Ohio State on the other hand does have the reputation for being a January disappointment. Of course that is only if you fail to look past the last two years where Ohio State defeated Notre Dame, Oklahoma State and Miami (FL) for a national title.

If you're talking about January games, Andy Z., you should have said Kansas State instead of Oklahoma State.
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osugrad21;1343864; said:

There is a clause in the BCS rules that bowl pairings may be adjusted if "alternative pairings may have greater or lesser appeal to college football fans as measured by expected ticket sales for the bowls and by expected television interest, and the consequent financial impact on rights-holding televisions networks and the bowls." This is the backroom deal clause. Other than taking the Big Ten and Pac-10 champs out of the Rose Bowl, and taking the No. 1 and No. 2 teams out of the title game, the BCS can do whatever it wants, and that means FOX has some say in avoiding games that will produce lousy ratings.

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