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tOSU's BCS Bowl possibilities

Brutus1;1342553; said:
What's more preferable? Going to a BCS game and losing to a team we're supposed to lose to or going to a second rate bowl and winning against a third rate SEC team?

What would you prefer out of that scenario?

I'm not saying that we would win or lose in a BCS game. Just curious what you (and others) think.
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Kennesaw71;1342537; said:
So is it more preferable to go to the BCS Bowl game and get 60 hung on us by Oklahoma or Texas or go to the Capital One and play a beatable Georgia team and GET OUR FIRST WIN EVER OVER A FRIGGEN SEC TEAM????

The team's goals are:

Beat tsun
Big Ten Champs
BCS Bowl Game

I want the team to achieve all 3 of their goals for the 4th year in a row. You don't?
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3074326;1342574; said:
This is an odd comment coming from a Buckeye.
He lives in Ft Worth, probably has to put up with Longhorn mania a little much.
Living in Oklahoma I can imagine after a little longer here I will be in the same boat as him. The good thing about OU fans is they are little humbled due to recent games, so they arent unbearable yet.
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Cincy in the BCS sounds like an absolute disaster to me. Congrats to Cincy but damn, that football program doesn't belong in a 17 million dollar bowl game. Not now and probably not ever. Good for them though. But it's bad for the BCS bean counters that's for sure. What company wants to pay top dollar to finance advertising commercials for a bowl game matchup that boasts the Cincinnati Bearcats as one of the participants? Maybe AIG etc. can put up some of their bail out money toward advertising during this game. That sounds like a solid investment of the taxpayers money doesn't it?

Say what you want bout the bearcats but I think they will beat WHOEVER the ACC throws at them. Va tech or Boston College IMO aren't very good teams what so ever. I think Cincy would atleast draw more money than Boise and maybe even Utah.

Also regaurding a question two pages ago. I also think OSU would get the nod over USC if USC were to lose again this weekend. I think USC would drop out of the top ten (maybe to 12) if they were to lose this weekend.
This week is going to be a very very long week for any of us buckeye fans that wanna see us in a BCS bowl (I REALLY want that BCS game) because ESPN is going to rip us apart on why we shouldn't be there.
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3074326;1342557; said:
What would you prefer out of that scenario?

I'm not saying that we would win or lose in a BCS game. Just curious what you (and others) think.

I'll take the BCS game any day for 500 , Alex. The goal, in order, should always be:

Championship Game
Rose Bowl
BCS Bowl
Any other piece of shit bowl.
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bukIpower;1342583; said:
ESPN is going to rip us apart on why we shouldn't be there.

Fortunately, I think most college football fans realize that most of ESPN's college football guys are fucking stupid. That, and we're not overrated (perceived or real) this year.

I also think most college football fans would rather watch us get our asses kicked than Boise State.*

*Just saying that because that's what the majority of people around the country will be saying no matter what bowl we'll be in. I don't agree with the statement.
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bukIpower;1342583; said:
because ESPN is going to rip us apart on why we shouldn't be there.

If ANY other team in the land had gotten their butts destroyed in 2 consecutive BCS games, they would be ripped as well. Especially if this team had beaten no team of value in season 3, and gotten drilled by the best team they played.

Make no mistake, this has nothing to do with ESPN. OSU has made their own bed.
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tibor75;1342617; said:
If ANY other team in the land had gotten their butts destroyed in 2 consecutive BCS games, they would be ripped as well. Especially if this team had beaten no team of value in season 3, and gotten drilled by the best team they played.

Make no mistake, this has nothing to do with ESPN. OSU has made their own bed.

Also a good point.

But, I think the trashing will come when they're hyping Boise State. Do you think BSU deserves to be in over OSU?

I'm not trying to be a smart ass if anyone thinks I'm just being sarcastic. I think we deserve to be in over BSU, personally.
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