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tOSU TV Viewing/ESPN GamePlan?

tedginn05;633311; said:
Also, in addition to that, an OSU football game should be available to every person in Columbus, no matter what.
Whine on -

Whine off :)
As I posted elsewhere in this thread - there are certainly several really good locations near here that folks like myself and jlb (if he isn't going to the game) and other Northern Cincy / West Chester / thru Dayton fans will descend upon.
The OSU Alumni group BTW will be viewing from Fox & Hounds, rather than the Springdale location listed at the alumni web site.
Pretty much all the BW3s in Central Ohio will carry the game. Dave & Busters if one is close is a good bet.

I could go on, but I won't, point is this, there will be many, many screens to watch this game upon.
Given Lemons, make great lemonade!!
Look at it as a great opportunity to party down with fellow Buckeye fans in the watering hole of your choice.
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sandgk;633321; said:
Whine on -

Whine off :)
As I posted elsewhere in this thread - there are certainly several really good locations near here that folks like myself and jlb (if he isn't going to the game) and other Northern Cincy / West Chester / thru Dayton fans will descend upon.
The OSU Alumni group BTW will be viewing from Fox & Hounds, rather than the Springdale location listed at the alumni web site.
Pretty much all the BW3s in Central Ohio will carry the game. Dave & Busters if one is close is a good bet.

I could go on, but I won't, point is this, there will be many, many screens to watch this game upon.
Given Lemons, make great lemonade!!
Look at it as a great opportunity to party down with fellow Buckeye fans in the watering hole of your choice.
Did I mention that I like to record/tape all of the games?

But yea, I understand that there is places to go to see the game, but I like watching it from my house, not some bar. Plus I'm 17, I don't think I would ever be allowed in a bar.
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tedginn05;633323; said:
Did I mention that I like to record/tape all of the games?

But yea, I understand that there is places to go to see the game, but I like watching it from my house, not some bar. Plus I'm 17, I don't think I would ever be allowed in a bar.

Buffalo Wild Wings Grill & Bar is exactly that, a bar and grill restaurant, and any age can enter...you just can't be served alcohol obviously.

Fans, bars and even cable systems are scrambling to sign up for ESPNU, which is available for a fee on satellite providers DirectTV and Dish Network. Buffalo Wild Wings Grill & Bar recently added the channel to several central Ohio restaurants.

And thus Disney gets exactly what they want...more money.
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Somebody's post:

"What logic are you using to say that if it is on ESPNU it should be on Gameplan? Are the games on ESPN and ESPN2 on Gameplan also? No, they are not."

For God's sake...ESPN & ESPN2 are shown nationally, not regionally. It is not an issue of their being on those two channels to be seen. But, ESPNU, ESPNN, ESPNPlus, etc. are ESPN platforms not shown everywhere (at least not on every major cable venue...I know...in Vegas I pay for Gameplan but Cox cable does not carry "U")
It doesn't matter that "U" is available via dish or Directv, those venues are not available to everyone regardless of whether they are willing to pay extra for it.

Go Bucks!
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MililaniBuckeye;633330; said:
Buffalo Wild Wings Grill & Bar is exactly that, a bar and grill restaurant, and any age can enter...you just can't be served alcohol obviously.

Yup. Anyone can go there during the day. I believe that at 10:00pm it "becomes" a bar (at least around here), and 17 year olds would have to be out of there by then...
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So I've finally skimmed through this entire thread and I must say I am very disappointed that this game is not going to be televised, however, my biggest concern is simply will timbuck2 and/or rock3tman be able to record the game still? I'm one of the many on here who enjoys making highlight tapes and will be unable to tape the game next weekend, because I don't have the ESPNU channel, so is there still a chance that one of these two awesome guys will be able to get the game up on a torrent site next weekend??
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"I also am a gameplan subscriber and think that ESPN should offer the game to anyone who has shelled out the bucks for the service..."

There are no other ESPN games on Gameplan, why should this one be?

"For God's sake...ESPN & ESPN2 are shown nationally, not regionally. It is not an issue of their being on those two channels to be seen. But, ESPNU, ESPNN, ESPNPlus, etc. are ESPN platforms not shown everywhere"

What is your point? ESPNU is a national channel, you are just paying for a service from a provider that will not offer it to you. As I said in the previous post, there are other providers available to you for probably the same cost that you could get this from.
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I guess my point is that your supposition that other vehicles are available to me, for example, is just plain wrong. Can't use a dish where I live, can't get Directv where I live, can't go out to bars or sports books to watch cause I'm homebound. I repeat, I pay for Gameplan.

My position is that if a major game involving the #1 team is shown on any of the ESPN vehicles that are not shown on all cable systems or other systems, then it should be included in Gameplan. Obviously since ESPN1 and ESPN2 are national, it would not make sense to include then in Gameplan. But my very large cable company does not carry Plus, or U or Classic or any of those. Only ESPNN, which does not show games live. But they accept my money for Gameplan and keep a chunk of it, sharing the rest with ESPN, perhaps ABC, I don't know. Since there are such cases around the country they have an obligation IMHO to include the other-platform games in Gameplan.

Fortunately for me, this is NOT a position unique to me.

Go Bucks!
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CleveBucks;634037; said:
ESPN is already going to be paying for cameras, announcers, and production crew. There's no reason they can't make it available on Gameplan, other than to play hardball with the cable companies and their customers.

I don't know if GamePlan has anything to do with this, but.......

In Columbus, whenever a game is shown on CBS, it has a ESPN Plus logo next to the score. Meaning the game is a ESPN Plus feed. Is ESPN Plus, GamePlan?
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