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tOSU TV Viewing/ESPN GamePlan?

Dryden;632495; said:
I tend to agree with him though. Watching Buckeye games on TV is not a birthright. 118 other D1A teams are not blessed with round-the-clock TV coverage with pre-game, game, post-game coverage every single Saturday.

This is Ohio State we are talking about
You bet your ass its a birthright
There is no excuse whatsoever for an OSU game to not be on TV locally in Columbus.
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OregonBuckeye;632984; said:
Fuck ESPN. Bunch of greedy cocksuckers.

I hope that isn't too offensive but it sums up how I feel about them. I don't pay $100 to see TCU vs. Colorado St. I pay to see Ohio St.

But then again.........isn't that what TCU and CSU fans probably say about Ohio St?

I'm not disagreeing here, just trying to possibly figure out their logic behind not showing the #1 team in the country.
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daddyphatsacs;633047; said:
But then again.........isn't that what TCU and CSU fans probably say about Ohio St?

I'm not disagreeing here, just trying to possibly figure out their logic behind not showing the #1 team in the country.

The point is people who pay for Gameplan do it specifically so they never miss a game of their favorite team. If they're going to show it on ESPNU then they need to show it on Gameplan too.
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I'm getting kinda scared here.......

Next week when we play Indiana the game may not be seen by 40% of Columbus. The game is being shown on ESPNU. They said on the news that 40% of Columbus cable viewers do not get ESPNU. I'm one of those people.
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First of all, why kind of scared? You're either scared, or not.

Second, why are you scared about missing an Indiana football game? I think its really dumb of TW to stick it to us by that, but I won't be shivering with fear in the corner :p

Third, if your life will suffer without the IU game you could always go to BW3's or something.
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jwinslow;633097; said:
First of all, why kind of scared? You're either scared, or not.

Second, why are you scared about missing an Indiana football game? I think its really dumb of TW to stick it to us by that, but I won't be shivering with fear in the corner :p

Third, if your life will suffer without the IU game you could always go to BW3's or something.

I have Insight cable.............but the point is, I really don't like missing OSU games, no matter who they are against. You get my point here?
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OSU fans upset by ESPN plans for Indiana game
Saturday, October 14, 2006

[FONT=Verdana, Times New Roman, arial, helvetica, sans-serif]THE ASSOCIATED PRESS[/FONT]

COLUMBUS - Ohio State football fans are in an uproar because an upcoming game will not be shown on a widely available television station.
The Oct. 21 matchup between the No. 1 Buckeyes and Indiana will be broadcast only on ESPNU, a premium cable sports channel not offered by some cable systems in Ohio. The game also is not available for people who paid extra for the ESPN GamePlan sports package.
ESPNU is available to Massillon Cable subscribers, but not Warner Cable.
"Every Bucks game needs to be televised every week," said Steve Carpenter, of suburban Dublin.
"This is absolutely ridiculous that the No. 1 team in the country is being shown on ESPNU," said John Jewell of Grayson, Ky. "This is a snub to all OSU fans."
ESPN owner Disney, which has a contract with the Big Ten, can mix and match games with its networks, which include ABC, ESPN2, ESPN Classic and ESPNU.
The game is scheduled for a noon kickoff in Columbus.
ABC will carry the Texas-Nebraska game. ESPN will have the Wisconsin-Purdue game. And ESPN2 will offer Illinois-Penn State, according to the ESPN Web site. "In this case, we think it's pretty justifiable which games ended up where," said Burke Magnus, ESPNU vice president and general manager. "We're trying to serve a national audience. We understand the local furor, but the selection process is pretty standard." Fans, bars and even cable systems are scrambling to sign up for ESPNU, which is available for a fee on satellite providers DirectTV and Dish Network. Buffalo Wild Wings Grill & Bar recently added the channel to several central Ohio restaurants.
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Saturday, October 14, 2006

From staff reports

The Big Ten has heard from you, disgruntled Ohio State fans, and there's nothing that can be done, at least this year.
Ohio State's home game with Indiana at noon next Saturday will be shown on ESPNU, a cable channel that reaches only 8 million homes nationwide -not many in Northeast Ohio.
This is the final season of the Big Ten's current 10-year deal with ABC and ESPN, which gives the networks the right to put games on the channels they choose. This will be the eighth Big Ten game to air on ESPNU this season, but the first involving the No. 1-ranked Buckeyes.
"Not every football game can appear on ABC or ESPN, even one with a highly ranked team," reads part of the response sent out by the Big Ten to everyone who has e-mailed a complaint about the ESPNU games.
Next year, games like this will air on the new Big Ten Network, and scenarios like these are part of the reason the conference created its own channel. If the games are going to be on a minor channel, at least it will be the conference's own channel.
In the meantime, good luck finding ESPNU.
Determining who receives ESPNU on their TV service in Northeast Ohio is no easy task. Information on the ESPNU Web site reports that these Northeast Ohio TV cable providers do not offer ESPNU:
Wide Open West.
ESPNU is channel 125 for customers who have Time Warner cable service that formerly was Adelphia.
On DirecTV, ESPNU is available on channel 609 through the service's "Sports Pack," which is an extra $12 a month (or less if you order other premium packages). ESPNU is included in DirecTV's Total Choice Premier, the $99.99-a-month package.
On Dish Network, ESPNU is part of "America's Top 180," which is a $49.99 package, and is available on the HD packages starting at $69.99 a month.
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Ohio State report

Matchup with Indiana only on obscure channel

Fans upset at decision to put next week's game on ESPNU. Bars, cable systems scramble to get it

Associated Press

COLUMBUS - Ohio State football fans are in an uproar because an upcoming game will not be shown on a widely available television station.
Next Saturday's matchup between the No. 1 Buckeyes and Indiana will be broadcast only on ESPNU, a premium cable channel not offered by some systems in Ohio. The game also is not available for people who paid extra for the ESPN GamePlan sports package.
``Every Bucks game needs to be televised every week,'' said Steve Carpenter of Dublin.
``This is absolutely ridiculous that the No. 1 team in the country is being shown on ESPNU,'' said John Jewell of Grayson, Ky. ``This is a snub to all OSU fans.''
ESPN owner Disney, which has a contract with the Big Ten, can mix and match games with its networks, which include ABC, ESPN2, ESPN Classic and ESPNU.
The game is scheduled for a noon kickoff in Columbus.
ABC will carry the Texas-Nebraska game. ESPN will have the Wisconsin-Purdue game. And ESPN2 will offer Illinois-Penn State, according to the ESPN Web site.
``In this case, we think it's pretty justifiable which games ended up where,'' said Burke Magnus, ESPNU vice president and general manager. ``We're trying to serve a national audience. We understand the local furor, but the selection process is pretty standard.''
Fans, bars and even cable systems are scrambling to sign up for ESPNU, which is available for a fee on satellite providers DirectTV and Dish Network. Buffalo Wild Wings Grill & Bar recently added the channel to several central Ohio restaurants.
``We added those locations in direct response to the Ohio State vs. Indiana game,'' said Phil Albanese, a regional manager for the chain. ``We want to show every game that we can -- especially the Ohio State ones.''
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"JP and Raycom are their own networks, and contracted with the ACC to broadcast games."

They are not networks that have a channel 24-7. It is a network of stations that carry the sports program each week. There is no JP channel or Raycom channel anywhere. The Big Ten Network is going to be a 24-7 channel.

"The point is people who pay for Gameplan do it specifically so they never miss a game of their favorite team. If they're going to show it on ESPNU then they need to show it on Gameplan too."

That is not the point. We are lucky that the Big Ten has had an agreement with ABC to allow the games on gameplan. If we were an SEC fan or a PAC Ten fan, there are times we would have been screwed.

What logic are you using to say that if it is on ESPNU it should be on Gameplan? Are the games on ESPN and ESPN2 on Gameplan also? No, they are not.

The problem in all this lies with the cable systems that are refusing to pick it up, not ESPN. It is a business move for them to generate more revenue and every phone call you make to your cable system is them getting closer to their ultimate goal. You are the consumer, and you have a choice. You can choose to go with DirecTV or Dish Network and have it installed and ready to go before next week's game, unless you live in an APT where you can't have it, and it can still be done, the dish does not have to be permanently attached to a structure, I had one for two years at a rental place and didn't leave any marks when it was taken out.
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