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tOSU TV Viewing/ESPN GamePlan?

timBUCK2;638392; said:
I just bought my .25 mo subscription to the DirecTV Sports Pack. :(

For those of you left out in the cold, I'll post the game DVD as soon as humanly possible - I'm hoping to release it Saturday night.

You are without doubt a mainstay of the Buckeye Planet DVD network.
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smith403;638225; said:
You are right on, Mili...that is exactly why I subscribe to Gameplan

Well you're both misguided. Gameplan isn't designed for Buckeye fans and Buckeye Fans alone. It's ESPN GAMEPLAN, not BuckeyePlan.

And Milli, I've had the GamePlan subscription since the first year it was offered (much longer than you apparently), and I can tell you that it wasn't always that way and there never was/is such a guarantee, so I'm not sure how/why anyone can legitimately complain about it. Nowhere does it say that all Bucks games will be covered. Does it say that all Minny games will be covered? How about PSU games? Hmmm, guess it doesn't guarantee those either. That's because it's not supposed to. While I too wish it was on Gameplan, I'm not upset because it's not. That's just a farse and implying that you are entitled to something that you are not. But, if you can show me where in the fine print it says that GamePlan will offer ALL Buckeye games, then I'll concede.
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Good god man. Do you work for ESPN or something? :roll2:

matcar;638513; said:
Well you're both misguided. Gameplan isn't designed for Buckeye fans and Buckeye Fans alone. It's ESPN GAMEPLAN, not BuckeyePlan.

And Milli, I've had the GamePlan subscription since the first year it was offered (much longer than you apparently), and I can tell you that it wasn't always that way and there never was/is such a guarantee, so I'm not sure how/why anyone can legitimately complain about it. Nowhere does it say that all Bucks games will be covered. Does it say that all Minny games will be covered? How about PSU games? Hmmm, guess it doesn't guarantee those either. That's because it's not supposed to. While I too wish it was on Gameplan, I'm not upset because it's not. That's just a farse and implying that you are entitled to something that you are not. But, if you can show me where in the fine print it says that GamePlan will offer ALL Buckeye games, then I'll concede.
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*cries* I just found out our free ESPNU preview was pulled for a stupid HBO free preview....who the hell wants to watch HBO when ya can watch Ohio State. Now, I will have to scramble to see if I can find it anywhere around here.
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matcar;638513; said:
Well you're both misguided. Gameplan isn't designed for Buckeye fans and Buckeye Fans alone. It's ESPN GAMEPLAN, not BuckeyePlan.

And Milli, I've had the GamePlan subscription since the first year it was offered (much longer than you apparently), and I can tell you that it wasn't always that way and there never was/is such a guarantee, so I'm not sure how/why anyone can legitimately complain about it. Nowhere does it say that all Bucks games will be covered. Does it say that all Minny games will be covered? How about PSU games? Hmmm, guess it doesn't guarantee those either. That's because it's not supposed to. While I too wish it was on Gameplan, I'm not upset because it's not. That's just a farse and implying that you are entitled to something that you are not. But, if you can show me where in the fine print it says that GamePlan will offer ALL Buckeye games, then I'll concede.

I don't care how long you've had it...this is the fifth season I've had it and up until now every single game that hasn't been on ABC/ESPN has been carried on GamePlan. We are the biggest fan base in the country. There is no valid reason why Ohio State can't be shown, especially when we're #1, on at least one GamePlan channel. What other games on GamePlan in the 12-noon time slot are more worthy of GamePlan than #1 Ohio State versus an upstart Indiana? Well, let's see:

Texas at Nebraska (yeah, this one is)
Michigan State at Northwestern (uh, no)
Louisville at Syracuse (uh, no...again)
North Carolina State at Maryland (gotta be fucking kidding)
Ole Miss at Arkansas (get the fuck outta here)

Four of the five games aren't near as good. Hey, GamePlan showed the OSU/IU game last year when both teams weren't as good as they are this year, so why not show the game this year? Black-fucking-mail is why...I don't see how this concept is so hard for you to grasp...
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MililaniBuckeye;638531; said:
I don't care how long you've had it...this is the fifth season I've had it and up until now every single game that hasn't been on ABC/ESPN has been carried on GamePlan. We are the biggest fan base in the country. There is no valid reason why Ohio State can't be shown, especially when we're #1, on at least one GamePlan channel. What other games on GamePlan in the 12-noon time slot are more worthy of GamePlan than #1 Ohio State versus an upstart Indiana? Well, let's see:

Texas at Nebraska (yeah, this one is)
Michigan State at Northwestern (uh, no)
Louisville at Syracuse (uh, no...again)
North Carolina State at Maryland (gotta be fucking kidding)
Ole Miss at Arkansas (get the fuck outta here)

Four of the five games aren't near as good. Hey, GamePlan showed the OSU/IU game last year when both teams weren't as good as they are this year, so why not show the game this year? Black-fucking-mail is why...I don't see how this concept is so hard for you to grasp...

EXCELLENT POINTS... matcar, I know last years game was on gameplan because I recorded it and went to the game in Bloomington... I also have the last 4 years of buckeye games on DVD, thanks to gameplan...buddy, lighten up and get your facts straight
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Relax, Buckeyes fans, it's just the Hoosiers

By Mark Gokavi
Staff Writer

Friday, October 20, 2006

It seems that people in Ohio figure they are born with three inalienable rights: Life, liberty and a network television broadcast to watch Ohio State cream Indiana by some score like 52-9.
Seriously, you Buckeyes fans need to relax.
This flap over the game only being available on ESPNU (no, I don't know anyone who has it, either) is excessive.
You get the feeling OSU fans would almost rather lose to Indiana than not be able to see the game. As OSU coach Earle Bruce said after Indiana's 31-10 win in 1987: "Since I became a freshman at Ohio State in 1949, it's got to be the darkest day I've seen in Ohio State football."
C'mon. The Buckeyes are a 31-point favorite this time. THIRTY-ONE! If Ohio State does lose, would you want to see it?
Watching a blowout isn't much fun unless it's on your side of a rivalry. This is Indi-freakin'-ana. Big deal.
This whole thing is either admirable or a sickness, depending on your point of view. Buckeye Fever has no cure this season. Everyone knows No. 1 Ohio State won't be tested until Nov. 18, when it plays Michigan in The Biggest Game Ever In The History Of The Pigskin.
I could understand if THE game was stuck on ESPNU, Versus or the TV Guide channel. There would be rioting in the streets, burned-out cars and European soccer-like violence.
But it's Indiana. Sure, they had a good win last week. But if the Hoosiers beat OSU on Saturday, I'll eat the paper (one piece only) this audible is printed on.
Go to a sports bar. Those people are happy to have you. Enjoy the game. But if there was a game you could probably live without seeing, this would be it.

Contact this reporter at (937) 225-6951 or [email protected].
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Crystal76;638517; said:
*cries* I just found out our free ESPNU preview was pulled for a stupid HBO free preview....who the hell wants to watch HBO when ya can watch Ohio State. Now, I will have to scramble to see if I can find it anywhere around here.

Yes, I just found out that the free ESPNU preview running on Dish was pulled as well. It was supposed to run thru November 3rd. After talking to a few folks at Dish, it seems the ONLY way these free preview channels are pulled (outside of the normal time frame they are slated to run) is when the network in question (ESPN in this case) specifically tells them they may no longer run the free preview. Obviously, I don't really trust that Dish isn't trying to make some extra $ as well, but it looks like another tactic from ESPN to obtain a wider market for ESPNU. Hard to complain when something you're getting for free is pulled, but changing a scheduled event, mid stream, with no notification, seems to lack a degree of ethical behavior.

Anyway, you need to upgrade to the Dish 180 plan to access ESPNU now. Not too bad for me as it will only cost $10 for the month (for an extra 67 channels), but I'm being told there's a $5 fee to cancel the service ... $15 total for a month.

Hummm, 120 plan to the 180 plan = 67 more channels. This new math is confusing. :)
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We need one person with ESPNU, enough technical saavy and a tv tuner card to use Microsoft's Media Encoder and simply broadcast the game. I did something similiar during the Iraq war (I watched Saddam's statue come down while sitting in my Nationwide Ins. cubicle).

If someone out there has it, hopefully they would be nice enough to provide a link to said stream.
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matcar;638513; said:
Well you're both misguided. Gameplan isn't designed for Buckeye fans and Buckeye Fans alone. It's ESPN GAMEPLAN, not BuckeyePlan.

And Milli, I've had the GamePlan subscription since the first year it was offered (much longer than you apparently), and I can tell you that it wasn't always that way and there never was/is such a guarantee, so I'm not sure how/why anyone can legitimately complain about it. Nowhere does it say that all Bucks games will be covered. Does it say that all Minny games will be covered? How about PSU games? Hmmm, guess it doesn't guarantee those either. That's because it's not supposed to. While I too wish it was on Gameplan, I'm not upset because it's not. That's just a farse and implying that you are entitled to something that you are not. But, if you can show me where in the fine print it says that GamePlan will offer ALL Buckeye games, then I'll concede.

i don't recall it stating anywhere in the provider/customer contract that i as a customer must be understanding and forgiving when i don't get exactly what it is i want. in fact, im fairly certain it states the exact opposite...

This whole thing is either admirable or a sickness, depending on your point of view. Buckeye Fever has no cure this season.

there is a shitload of money to be made feeding a sickness.

ya know, for all the people complaining about us complaining. you'd think we were asking for something unreasonable. i haven't heard a single person demand this game to be aired on a free channel. hell, i think each and every one of us would be more than happy to shell out 22 bucks for this game. i know i would. from the sounds of it, we as buck fans are asking to be taken advantage of financially for a service that should be provided at no additional charge. in the history of mankind has a customer base ever asked to be taken advantage of financially AND been labeled unreasonable before?
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Looks like I'll be watching the game at the bar at the bowling ally in Solon. We just went there for a work get together last night and it's pretty nice. The bartender said that they just got Dish hooked up for the OSU game and they're having a party for the game.
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for those of you in cincy with time warner cable... not sure if it just hasn't been updated yet or not but my preview channel doesn't show the buckeye game as being aired at 11pm saturday or 8pm sunday on ONN. anyone else check yet?
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MililaniBuckeye;638531; said:
I don't care how long you've had it...this is the fifth season I've had it and up until now every single game that hasn't been on ABC/ESPN has been carried on GamePlan. We are the biggest fan base in the country. There is no valid reason why Ohio State can't be shown, especially when we're #1, on at least one GamePlan channel. What other games on GamePlan in the 12-noon time slot are more worthy of GamePlan than #1 Ohio State versus an upstart Indiana? Well, let's see:

Texas at Nebraska (yeah, this one is)
Michigan State at Northwestern (uh, no)
Louisville at Syracuse (uh, no...again)
North Carolina State at Maryland (gotta be fucking kidding)
Ole Miss at Arkansas (get the fuck outta here)

Four of the five games aren't near as good. Hey, GamePlan showed the OSU/IU game last year when both teams weren't as good as they are this year, so why not show the game this year? Black-fucking-mail is why...I don't see how this concept is so hard for you to grasp...
Likewise, I don't care how long YOU'VE had it. It's not about YOU. It's not about Buckeye fans. You'e yet to show me anything but hyperbole. Where's the written contract stating that EVERY BUCKEYE GAME will be on there? It's not there, because that's NOT the intent. Never was, never will be. It IS on television, its just up to you to find it. Any other noise on this is just noise. Even Bucknuts radio concedes that it's just smart business by ESPN to have top games on ESPNU. It's just business, nothing underhanded or wrong about it and the fact that you have unmet expectations about Gameplan is simply because you feel entitlement that was never implied or guaranteed.
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