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tOSU TV Viewing/ESPN GamePlan?

Buckeyeskickbuttocks;635686; said:
Well, for one thing the Big Ten is looking out for 10 other teams, not just OSU. For another, if you want to call and bitch about poor decisions, call ESPN. Additionally, the deal was for more than just football, and a great deal more than simply Ohio State football. The Big Ten didn't know, in June, that OSU would be playing Indiana on EPSNU... it's just that simple. The specifcs weren't part of the plan. To illustrate the absurdity, for your complaint to have any merit, the Big Ten would have to know what ESPN channel the 2011 OSU Illinois game will be on. No one knows... Because that determination will be made in the weeks (or month) prior to the game.

The Big 10 is in year 1 of a 10 year deal. Your voice in the wilderness will have no effect. I'm all for people saying what they have to say, I'm just suggesting you reconsider the direction you intent to send your voice. If you want to complain and have your particualr complaint have some meaning at all, direct it at ESPN.

If the Big Ten is DUMB enough to enter into an agreement that allows any one of it's BIG FOUR teams (Michigan, Penn State, Ohio State or Iowa) to have ANY opportunity to NOT be broadcast over the air in their home market, they deserve ANY criticism that will come their way, and I plan to give it too them.

It's an absolutely HORRIBLE business decision. It was obviously made by morons.
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screwblue;635721; said:
NO, my point is that we are all fans of the game, and ESPN's goal is to get you angry enough that you will bang the hell out of your cable provider and get their station into the lineup! It sucks that we are being used as pawns, I know, but time is running out to get the game broadcast. Sometimes you have to play the game, and do what the guy (network) who holds all of the cards wants you to do. What are your other options? A hunger strike? If you want to see the game, amke your cable providers life miserable and get the station added. I don't think ESPN cares if you get to see the game or not.

My actual point was that it was funny to see the fans here play by the rules and do what ESPN expected, only to watch the game they thought would be a cakewalk turn out to be an ass whoopin that none of them wanted to see. Guess you had to be here!

Screw ESPN, they suck anyway. I'm going to blast the Big Ten for entering into an agreement that has the option of not having home games even broadcast in the HOME MARKETS of said teams.

That's just dumb. If that's a reflection on the entire system, well, College Football is fucked up anyway. This is just another thing.
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BuckeyeMike80;635728; said:
Screw ESPN, they suck anyway. I'm going to blast the Big Ten for entering into an agreement that has the option of not having home games even broadcast in the HOME MARKETS of said teams.

That's just dumb. If that's a reflection on the entire system, well, College Football is fucked up anyway. This is just another thing.
What part of "TV contract" do you not understand? Did BKB not explain this well enough already?

It has NOTHING to do with the Big Ten.

It has NOTHING to do with being "a reflection on the entire system."

It has NOTHING to do with College Football being "fucked up anyway."

Do you understand what the alternative is? If the Big Ten did NOT sell ABC/ESPN exclusive broadcasting rights, we'd be lucky to see Ohio State on TV three or four times a year. There is also the possibility that ESPN could have said, "fuck you" all along and chosen to broadcast every Illinois and Indiana game nationally for the past nine years, while leaving the Ohio State's and Michigan's off the schedule entirely.

It happens. There are still three ways to "get" the game:

Buy a ticket and go to the game.

Go to a bar or friends home that has Insight cable or a dish provider.

Buy a radio and tune to 1460AM.
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BuckeyeMike80;635724; said:
If the Big Ten is DUMB enough to enter into an agreement that allows any one of it's BIG FOUR teams (Michigan, Penn State, Ohio State or Iowa) to have ANY opportunity to NOT be broadcast over the air in their home market, they deserve ANY criticism that will come their way, and I plan to give it too them.

It's an absolutely HORRIBLE business decision. It was obviously made by morons.

Give 'em Hell, Harry... :roll2:

Yeah, DUMB and HORRIBLE are certainly the operative words here....
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screwblue;635721; said:
NO, my point is that we are all fans of the game, and ESPN's goal is to get you angry enough that you will bang the hell out of your cable provider and get their station into the lineup! It sucks that we are being used as pawns, I know, but time is running out to get the game broadcast. Sometimes you have to play the game, and do what the guy (network) who holds all of the cards wants you to do. What are your other options? A hunger strike? If you want to see the game, amke your cable providers life miserable and get the station added. I don't think ESPN cares if you get to see the game or not.

no your right, espn doesn't care. so the only real alternative i see us as having is to take a shot at those who we pay money to and potentially may pay money to. should we complain to our cable/satellite providers? absolutely! but we should also take a shot at the providers who actually broadcast espnu.

will the letter i sent to espn in regards to this matter be completely ignored? absolutely. however, the letter i sent to time warner cable and to several satellite providers will not be dismissed so quickly. why? because i don't generate a single cent to espn directly. at no time in my life have i ever written a check out to "espn". i have however written many checks to "time warner cable" and potentially may write checks to other providers. is what is happening the fault of the providers? absolutely not. but if they are facing a situation in which they may loose customers or potential customers. they will most certainly look into the situation. the end result might be them working with espn and a local station to get the game aired in ohio. *shrug* the end result might be that they can do absolutely nothing. but at the very least i have voiced to those that i contract that i am not satisfied with the services provided. whether that be their fault or the fault of their contractor is irrelivant.

whether the issue was caused by, or has any ability to be influenced by, time warner is irrelivant. being the responsible party has nothing to do with being the party that ultimately will be held financially liable as customers defect to another provider. which last time i checked, was very much a time warner (and any other providers) problem.

My actual point was that it was funny to see the fans here play by the rules and do what ESPN expected, only to watch the game they thought would be a cakewalk turn out to be an ass whoopin that none of them wanted to see. Guess you had to be here!

*shrug* thats fine. personally, id rather watch a game in which tOSU looses rather than read about it in the paper the next day.
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Dryden;636016; said:
Do you understand what the alternative is? If the Big Ten did NOT sell ABC/ESPN exclusive broadcasting rights, we'd be lucky to see Ohio State on TV three or four times a year. There is also the possibility that ESPN could have said, "fuck you" all along and chosen to broadcast every Illinois and Indiana game nationally for the past nine years, while leaving the Ohio State's and Michigan's off the schedule entirely.

so you walk into a restaurant and order a steak. the cook walks out and says "fuck you! i don't feel like making you a steak. your options are a bologna sandwich or spinach cassarol. you'll damn well eat it, like it, pay the same rate for what we are willing to serve you that you would the steak, and tip your server well." so your saying your response would be, "well, i guess i'm lucky they are serving me anything at all"? ummmm no, your going to tell them what they can go do with themselves and go somewhere else in order to get the service you desire. afterwards your more than likely going to send a few nasty grams to their local management as well as their company headquarters assuming it isn't a mom and pop shop.

the point is, we would never accept this type of treatment from the mass majority of companies we do business with. just because there are fewer players in this particular game doesn't mean they are magically above reproach. nor does it mean that just because we don't do business directly with those who are wronging us does not mean we have no avenues for which to voice our displeasure.

It happens. There are still three ways to "get" the game:

Buy a ticket and go to the game.

i have to work

Go to a bar or friends home that has Insight cable or a dish provider.

why exactly do i pay 100 bucks a month for digital cable + dvr again?

Buy a radio and tune to 1460AM.

why exactly do i pay 100 bucks a month for digital cable + dvr again?

now, im not saying people should be writting death threats to james delany or anything. but i do think it is appropriate to write respectful letters stating your concerns with the actions taken by espn and list the alternatives you as a paying customer might be forced to take. i don't think it unreasonable to send such letters to anyone/everyone relevant in the big ten, your cable/satellite provider, and anyone who might one day be your provider. while its very possible that nothing can be done about this coming saturday. it will at the very least get your complaint to people who can potentially keep this from happening again in the future.

the alternative is to do nothing and for this to be seen as something we as fans accept and don't see as a serious issue.
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Dryden;636016; said:
What part of "TV contract" do you not understand? Did BKB not explain this well enough already?

It has NOTHING to do with the Big Ten.

It has NOTHING to do with being "a reflection on the entire system."

It has NOTHING to do with College Football being "fucked up anyway."

Do you understand what the alternative is? If the Big Ten did NOT sell ABC/ESPN exclusive broadcasting rights, we'd be lucky to see Ohio State on TV three or four times a year. There is also the possibility that ESPN could have said, "fuck you" all along and chosen to broadcast every Illinois and Indiana game nationally for the past nine years, while leaving the Ohio State's and Michigan's off the schedule entirely.

It happens. There are still three ways to "get" the game:

Buy a ticket and go to the game.

Go to a bar or friends home that has Insight cable or a dish provider.

Buy a radio and tune to 1460AM.

I'm out of 1460's radio range.

look you can sit here and take it if you want too. I won't. There will be a day when they put OSU-Michigan on ESPNU and 20 people will get to see the game.

Just lie down and take it. And here I thought I was amongst Buckeye fans.
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LordJeffBuck;636019; said:
Give 'em Hell, Harry... :roll2:

Yeah, DUMB and HORRIBLE are certainly the operative words here....

Yep. You just lie down and take it. Take whatever comes to you. that makes sense.

BTW I just got off of the phone with The Big Ten (at the given numbers by 10TV). Apparently I'm not the only one pissed about this. Also apparently I was one of the nicer (I said Damn once and that was it).

But go ahead, just take it. They can make whatever deal they want, sure, but you'd think they would at least have the foresight to GUARANTEE that the home market would get the game no matter what.

This is pathetic.
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martinss01;636091; said:
the alternative is to do nothing and for this to be seen as something we as
fans accept and don't see as a serious issue.

well let's see here, on this thread I have 3 moderators saying to just take it as it is.

That's pretty bad if you ask me.

I, for one, refuse to roll over and "take it".
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BuckeyeMike80;636114; said:

Thanks for the correction. It wasn't that way last year. Do you get 97.1 out of Columbus, they air the games as well.

Plus there are a bunch of affiliates around the state that carry the games.

BuckeyeMike said:
They get licensing fees from XM/Sirius.

You're that pissed? Then why do you have Espn on your telvision if you hate them so much?
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