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tOSU TV Viewing/ESPN GamePlan?

MililaniBuckeye;636163; said:
I watched the Indiana game last year on GamePlan (that's how I was able to record it and make the clips in the 2005 Indiana Clips thread. Since ESPN owns GamePlan, they can show regional ABC games (which they do) or ESPNU games or anything they want within their ESPN spectrum. They only reason they're locking this game down to ESPNU only and not making it available on GamePlan (for now) is to strongarm outlets into purchasing ESPNU...

EDIT: I just watched a clip from last year's Indiana game and it does not have the ESPNU logo...

I know, I asked him to be sure....he was wrong sure as hell
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BuckeyeMike80;636167; said:
No you're just saying that wanting to watch a football game and being pissed that the networks that own the exclusive rights is akin to acting like a spoiled baby. Gee I don't see any acquiesense there. Is this an ESPN board?

as for another "D1A institution" I'll start in the SEC and go with Florida, Tennessee and maybe Alabama, but I'm not entirely sure about 'Bama because of their sanctions.

Leaving the SEC and going to a different conference, I'm pretty sure Oklahoma has had every game on TV in Norman for at least the past 8 years and probably down in Austin as well.

Life isn't fair, get over it.
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BuckeyeMike80;636167; said:
No you're just saying that wanting to watch a football game and being pissed that the networks that own the exclusive rights is akin to acting like a spoiled baby. Gee I don't see any acquiesense there. Is this an ESPN board?
No. I'm saying that YOU ALREADY KNEW that ESPNU carried exclusive nationally broadcast football games for a over year now, yet you've never bothered to do anything about it until now, because you believed OSU was too good a program to ever fall to that lowly network. That's being spoiled and lazy.
BuckeyeMike80;636167; said:
as for another "D1A institution" I'll start in the SEC and go with Florida, Tennessee and maybe Alabama, but I'm not entirely sure about 'Bama because of their sanctions.

Leaving the SEC and going to a different conference, I'm pretty sure Oklahoma has had every game on TV in Norman for at least the past 8 years and probably down in Austin as well.
You KNOW this for a fact right? You're not just guessing? Otherwise, you're suggesting that every single household on the Atlantic Coast and south of the Mason Dixon line has had three different Jefferson Pilot carriers AND four different ESPN channels to cover all the conflicting SEC/ACC basketball and football games since 1992. :roll1:
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Although ESPN Europe (the feed we get in South Africa) has reduced college football to one game a week that is telecast at 2:30am Fridays, I still have to agree with Dryden. ESPN bought the rights and they have a right to recoup their investment and earn a profit if they can.

I am glad that many of you residing in the US will still have an option somewhere to see the game and that we can get your viewpoints on BP during the game. Don't forget us out here in the sticks.

As for you guys in the US who can't get the game, lobby your providers to buy the stream. Let them know that the lifetime value of your contract and the contracts of other Ohio State fans is worth something. But don't blame EXPN.

I despise ESPN but I like to think for the longer term. They are in this for a profit. They stand to lose a lot of revenue if people turn off the Ohio State - Indiana game because Indiana is getting blown away. Also, there are a lot of good teams who have been telecast only once or twice this year. If they lose money on our games, they will be likely to telecast fewer of them.

Keep watching ESPN GamePlan, by the way. They will show probably ten more games than they currently are saying they will televise. It is still possible that our game will be one of them.

And if you are feeling really hard done by, then just remember all the Buckeyes serving in Afghanistan, Iraq, and other places who will see one game this season if they are lucky. Be thankful for what you have.
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Dryden;636189; said:
No. I'm saying that YOU ALREADY KNEW that ESPNU carried exclusive nationally broadcast football games for a over year now, yet you've never bothered to do anything about it until now, because you believed OSU was too good a program to ever fall to that lowly network. That's being spoiled and lazy.

or figuring, wrongly, that the biggest fan base in the Big Ten wouldn't be relegated to having to scramble to either get their crappy extended network or having to listen to it on THEIR radio station only....it is on me...sure thing...while I agree I should've done something about it, you'd think that there would be a LITTLE give by ESPN. Maybe they really want Time Warner to pick up this channel, but maybe Time Warner won't bend. We can always hope.

You KNOW this for a fact right? You're not just guessing? Otherwise, you're suggesting that every single household on the Atlantic Coast and south of the Mason Dixon line has had three different Jefferson Pilot carriers AND four different ESPN channels to cover all the conflicting SEC/ACC basketball and football games since 1992. :roll1:

1992? That's 8 years ago? As for a fact, no I don't. But it's a relatively good guess considering Ohio State isn't the ONLY college football giant out there. :roll2:
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Steve19;636196; said:
Although ESPN Europe (the feed we get in South Africa) has reduced college football to one game a week that is telecast at 2:30am Fridays, I still have to agree with Dryden. ESPN bought the rights and they have a right to recoup their investment and earn a profit if they can.

I am glad that many of you residing in the US will still have an option somewhere to see the game and that we can get your viewpoints on BP during the game. Don't forget us out here in the sticks.

As for you guys in the US who can't get the game, lobby your providers to buy the stream. Let them know that the lifetime value of your contract and the contracts of other Ohio State fans is worth something. But don't blame EXPN.

I despise ESPN but I like to think for the longer term. They are in this for a profit. They stand to lose a lot of revenue if people turn off the Ohio State - Indiana game because Indiana is getting blown away. Also, there are a lot of good teams who have been telecast only once or twice this year. If they lose money on our games, they will be likely to telecast fewer of them.

Keep watching ESPN GamePlan, by the way. They will show probably ten more games than they currently are saying they will televise. It is still possible that our game will be one of them.

And if you are feeling really hard done by, then just remember all the Buckeyes serving in Afghanistan, Iraq, and other places who will see one game this season if they are lucky. Be thankful for what you have.

having spent a year in Iraq, a group of Buckeye fans and I actually were treated to quite a few games on AFN in 2004. AFN is a sweet network, they were very good at streaming games that people wanted to see. Of course then they'd ruin it by putting Wyoming against Utah St on right before the Buckeyes game, but it was something at least...
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To us local to Columbus, is this only going to be available through a cable hookup? I only carry the freebies through my pathetic rabbit ears, and I've caught every game so far. (Don't laugh too hard, I'm poor, and the quality is great)
I'm going to watch this game no matter what, I just need to know if I'm gonna have to make plans to leave the couch! Thanks in advance for any help!
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BuckeyeGanoosh;636203; said:
To us local to Columbus, is this only going to be available through a cable hookup? I only carry the freebies through my pathetic rabbit ears, and I've caught every game so far. (Don't laugh too hard, I'm poor, and the quality is great)
I'm going to watch this game no matter what, I just need to know if I'm gonna have to make plans to leave the couch! Thanks in advance for any help!

Afraid so boss....Personally I'm heading to a BW3s now (thanks to Thump for the suggestion, I'd forgotten springfield had a BW3s)
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BuckeyeMike80;636179; said:
Ya think?

I'll get over it on Sunday. Until then, I'll continue to whine bitch and complain because it makes people here squirm.

You've made your point multiple times. Quit your bitching now.
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BuckeyeMike80;635667; said:
I have DirecTV and I honestly don't want to have to get the Fox Succer Channel just to watch college football.

Dude, if you want to watch the game so fucking bad, just get the damn package, watch the game, and then cancel it...sheesh, quit fucking whining already.
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LOL is that a fact?
BuckeyeMike80 said:
having spent a year in Iraq
Let me get this straight. You fought in Iraq for a year.....and you're bitching and moaning about not being able to SEE the INDIANA game?

1) You were away from the team for a whole year. You should be used to it by now
2) You can get it on the radio
3) You can get it in a sports bar

And most importantly

4) You saw people who live in a country where war is a reality every day of their lives, and you have the audacity to bitch about not being able to watch a football game in the comfort of your own home?

Get a life.
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