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tOSU TV Viewing/ESPN GamePlan?

MililaniBuckeye;636210; said:
Dude, if you want to watch the game so fucking bad, just get the damn package, watch the game, and then cancel it...sheesh, quit fucking whining already.

Mili, always saying what I'm thinking with a far greater economy of words.
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BuckeyeNation27;636211; said:
Let me get this straight. You fought in Iraq for a year.....and you're bitching and moaning about not being able to SEE the INDIANA game?

1) You were away from the team for a whole year. You should be used to it by now
2) You can get it on the radio
3) You can get it in a sports bar

And most importantly

4) You saw people who live in a country where war is a reality every day of their lives, and you have the audacity to bitch about not being able to watch a football game in the comfort of your own home?

Get a life.

This is GPA material if you ask me.
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Now that we're (hopefully) done with entitlement whining...

Out of curiousity, for those who don't have game tickets, what is everyone planning? Packing every BW-3 in the area code? Switching cable providers? Taking a radio outside and enjoying what should be a lovely fall afternoon? Hanging out at Hiney Gate?

Thump! I can't believe you haven't started a poll yet.
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you know what, I'm an a$$hole.

I apologize. I've already made my plans so maybe I should just drop it.

I agree I shouldn't bitch about this too much given what I saw in Iraq. I shouldn't act like I've not led a charmed life, because I have. this is just another bump in the road.

While I'm at it, let me set the record straight on that, while I was Army in a previous time (Artillery, which caused the hearing loss), while in Iraq I was a contractor.

If this is my last post here, so be it. I'll be fine after this post and I'll probably forget this when the Buckeyes win Saturday, but if I've really burned some people by my being stupid, well it's on me.
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PrincessPeach;636223; said:
Now that we're (hopefully) done with entitlement whining...

Out of curiousity, for those who don't have game tickets, what is everyone planning? Packing every BW-3 in the area code? Switching cable providers? Taking a radio outside and enjoying what should be a lovely fall afternoon? Hanging out at Hiney Gate?

Thump! I can't believe you haven't started a poll yet.
The best solution for everyone is go join your local Knights of Columbus chapter. Watch the game there, drink beers for $1.00, and shoot pool or throw darts for free! :biggrin:
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PrincessPeach;636223; said:
Now that we're (hopefully) done with entitlement whining...

Out of curiousity, for those who don't have game tickets, what is everyone planning? Packing every BW-3 in the area code? Switching cable providers? Taking a radio outside and enjoying what should be a lovely fall afternoon? Hanging out at Hiney Gate?

Thump! I can't believe you haven't started a poll yet.

Watching it at my in-laws who have a dish.

Good idea on the poll! :biggrin:
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BuckeyeMike80;636224; said:
you know what, I'm an a$$hole.

I apologize. I've already made my plans so maybe I should just drop it.

I agree I shouldn't bitch about this too much given what I saw in Iraq. I shouldn't act like I've not led a charmed life, because I have. this is just another bump in the road.

While I'm at it, let me set the record straight on that, while I was Army in a previous time (Artillery, which caused the hearing loss), while in Iraq I was a contractor.

If this is my last post here, so be it. I'll be fine after this post and I'll probably forget this when the Buckeyes win Saturday, but if I've really burned some people by my being stupid, well it's on me.
Hey, no need to run away.

You'll find that this is a pretty forgiving bunch, and most will be more than willing to accept an apology and move on, so stick around... plenty of long-time posters here got off on a bad foot. No worries.
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PrincessPeach;636229; said:
Hey, no need to run away.

You'll find that this is a pretty forgiving bunch, and most will be more than willing to accept an apology and move on, so stick around... plenty of long-time posters here got off on a bad foot. No worries.

Great post Peach.

The fact is that very few people on this or any message board do not regret their first few posts. This goes double if your first few came in a flurry on a single topic.
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Dryden;636153; said:
I don't know. I only pay $50 for my service and I'm happy with it. You made your choice of a television provider when you signed your contract with them. If you're not happy with your channel selection or the price they're billing you, you should call them to complain or switch providers.

been done and the correspondance between time warner and myself continues. though it has been largely unproductive thus far (not that i went into this thinking i would get anywhere). my opologies, from reading many of the replies i was getting the impression people were against complaining to anyone really. probably caused by my own frustration with the situation. anyway, sorry for replies that likely had no real purpose to begin with.
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