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tOSU TV Viewing/ESPN GamePlan?

jlb1705;635631; said:
Meanwhile, some of us out there actually WANT ESPNU on TimeWarner, and have been asking for it since the platform was launched. I hope ESPN succeeds with this stunt. I've been getting dicked over by Time Warner for a while now, and I'd appreciate a small victory.

I hear ya. I called em up to bitch this weekend and they hooked me up with the full HD package free for the next 3 Months.

I actually like the concept of ESPNU.. I don't like the fact that it's so widely unavailable.
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Buckeyeskickbuttocks;635637; said:
The Big Ten always sells exclusive rights, it's how it works. It's the same for the SEC, the PAC 10, and so on. I don't mean to be rude, but you're simply reading it wrong. Additionally, the contact is with ESPN, not ESPNU, which is simply a channel and ESPN the corporation. Blame the Big Ten if you want, but you're not blaming the right people. The Big Ten sells rights because exposure of conference teams is good for the conference. I'm certain they are none too pleased that their best team is being relegated to a station carried in 14 homes nationwide.

Again, 10TV is saying nothing other than "It's out of our hands, complain to someone else) Incidently, that's the same response you'd get from WCMH or WSYX... it's not an option for these channels eitehr, and both would surely welcome the opportunity to broadcast the game, cause it sells advertising.

I think they are implying blame by their statement. Tell you what I'll do, I'll call the Big Ten offices tomorrow and try to get a statement from them if it was intentional that they wanted this game on ESPNU or not. Then I'll post it on here. Deal?
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BuckeyeMike80;635644; said:
I think they are implying blame by their statement. Tell you what I'll do, I'll call the Big Ten offices tomorrow and try to get a statement from them if it was intentional that they wanted this game on ESPNU or not. Then I'll post it on here. Deal?

Dont waste your time

Big Ten ESPN deal It was struck in JUNE. The Big Ten had no idea A) OSU would be undefeated come week 8. B) The Indiana OSU game would be on ESPNU

What I'm saying is, these games are not divied up week to week, game by game. There are TV contracts between the Conference and the networks, stuck in advance. 10TV, WCMH, WSYX.. WGN, The Learning Channel... any one of these could have reached a deal... they didn't. The plain fact is, like every other sports broadcasting contract, the whole package is sold, not individual games. You could write, call, e-mail the oxygen channel, and they'd tell you the same thing as 10TV - "there's nothing we can do about it."
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Last year during basketball season This exact same circumstance came up with a University of Louisville basketball game. The local fans put enough pressure on Insight Communications that they went to ESPN on their knees and asked for a hook up for the one game with a promise that they would visit the idea of permanently adding the station to their lineup. It was on the local news every night for the entire week leading up to the game. ESPN agreed and after the game, low and behold, the "U" is now a part of the Insight Digital line up. The game was broadcast in such a way that people with digital cable watched the game on the channel that eventually became ESPNU, and those without digital cable were able to pick up the feed on a local station reserved for TV shopping. Don't give up hope, keep puonding on your cable provider!!! By the way, our rates did not go up when ESPNU was added to Insight permanently.
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Buckeyeskickbuttocks;635657; said:
Dont waste your time

Big Ten ESPN deal It was struck in JUNE. The Big Ten had no idea A) OSU would be undefeated come week 8. B) The Indiana OSU game would be on ESPNU

What I'm saying is, these games are not divied up week to week, game by game. There are TV contracts between the Conference and the networks, stuck in advance. 10TV, WCMH, WSYX.. WGN, The Learning Channel... any one of these could have reached a deal... they didn't. The plain fact is, like every other sports broadcasting contract, the whole package is sold, not individual games. You could write, call, e-mail the oxygen channel, and they'd tell you the same thing as 10TV - "there's nothing we can do about it."

In that case I can't wait until the Big Ten goes Mountain West and screws itself by signing an exclusive deal with a network no one has for ALL of their games. Still and all, I will call the Big Ten and tell them they are stupid. It'll be fun.
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screwblue;635659; said:
Last year during basketball season This exact same circumstance came up with a University of Louisville basketball game. The local fans put enough pressure on Insight Communications that they went to ESPN on their knees and asked for a hook up for the one game with a promise that they would visit the idea of permanently adding the station to their lineup. It was on the local news every night for the entire week leading up to the game. ESPN agreed and after the game, low and behold, the "U" is now a part of the Insight Digital line up. The game was broadcast in such a way that people with digital cable watched the game on the channel that eventually became ESPNU, and those without digital cable were able to pick up the feed on a local station reserved for TV shopping. Don't give up hope, keep puonding on your cable provider!!! By the way, our rates did not go up when ESPNU was added to Insight permanently.

I have DirecTV and I honestly don't want to have to get the Fox Succer Channel just to watch college football.
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Sorry it was last football season!!

University of Louisville football fans almost got stiff-armed by ESPN on Saturday. The ninth-ranked Cardinals were scheduled to play the University of South Florida Bulls in Tampa, but they weren't scheduled to be on almost anyone's TV in Louisville, Ky.—until wrangling between cable operator Insight Communications and the sports behemoth was resolved at the last minute.
ESPN holds the rights to games in the Big East Conference, where Louisville plays. ESPN, which can be a tad undiplomatic in its dealings with cable operators, also is interested in expanding distribution of its new college sports channel, ESPNU. Insight didn't used to carry ESPNU. Now it does.
A couple of weeks ago, Louisville fans thought the game was going to be broadcast by Belo-owned ABC affiliate WHAS, the local-rights holder. But under its TV deal, ESPN has until 12 days before a game to exercise its broadcast option and, last Monday, grabbed the game for sparsely distributed ESPNU (it's in about 7 million homes, via DirecTV, EchoStar, Adelphia Communications).
Since Insight does not carry the network, the game wouldn't be available to the company's 275,000 area-subscribers—or to anyone, other than satellite customers.
Initially, Insight wouldn't budge. “ESPNU is a relatively new network. It was not a big priority,” Gregg Graff, Insight's senior VP of regional video services, said early last week. ESPN, he said, was using Louisville fans as “pawns.”
But on Thursday night, the two sides hammered out an interim deal. Insight added ESPNU to its digital basic tier immediately; the game would be carried the game on a local analog cable channel. The two sides also agreed to negotiate a long-term deal for all Insight systems.
As football season heats up, ESPNU no doubt will pluck other marquee games from the schedule, and cable operators across the country can expect similar run-ins.
“We will never be ashamed to put quality content on our networks,” says ESPN distribution chief Sean Bratches. “There is great demand for this content. These are passionate, loyal audiences.” Attention, pawns: Checkmate.
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BuckeyeMike80;635665; said:
In that case I can't wait until the Big Ten goes Mountain West and screws itself by signing an exclusive deal with a network no one has for ALL of their games. Still and all, I will call the Big Ten and tell them they are stupid. It'll be fun.

Do what you've gotta do. But, don't fool yourslef. The Big Ten took the deal of the highest bidder, and the amount of money they recieved, and the exposure they've been assured does nothing but help the entire conference on a national scale. I think it would be foolish to call them half cocked.... and to what point? It's not like the BIg Ten can give you a month's free Game Plan or anything... it's a business decision, plain and simple. Do some research first, have something to say, other than "Gosh, I think you screwed this one up" They won't take you seriously if you don't know what you're talking about
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Buckeyeskickbuttocks;635671; said:
Do what you've gotta do. But, don't fool yourslef. The Big Ten took the deal of the highest bidder, and the amount of money they recieved, and the exposure they've been assured does nothing but help the entire conference on a national scale. I think it would be foolish to call them half cocked.... and to what point? It's not like the BIg Ten can give you a month's free Game Plan or anything... it's a business decision, plain and simple. Do some research first, have something to say, other than "Gosh, I think you screwed this one up" They won't take you seriously if you don't know what you're talking about

I don't care if they don't take me seriously. I do care if they hear how dissatisfied I am with this stupid plan. They could have put in a clause to get their better teams on the bigger exposure networks. There's a lot of buts and ifs.

Now I can point out that this game won't even be broadcast in COLUMBUS. And it's NOT like the game isn't sold out, because it is. Not even the NFL is this stupid.
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screwblue;635676; said:
By the way they did all of that bitching just to watch their beloved "soon to be National Champs" LOL, Cardinals get their ass spanked by an unranked nobody. It was a good time!!
Gawd, could you imagine if the unthinkable happened and this game wasn't broadcast in Columbus??

God Forbid.
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BuckeyeMike80;635677; said:
I don't care if they don't take me seriously. I do care if they hear how dissatisfied I am with this stupid plan. They could have put in a clause to get their better teams on the bigger exposure networks. There's a lot of buts and ifs.

Now I can point out that this game won't even be broadcast in COLUMBUS. And it's NOT like the game isn't sold out, because it is. Not even the NFL is this stupid.

Well, for one thing the Big Ten is looking out for 10 other teams, not just OSU. For another, if you want to call and bitch about poor decisions, call ESPN. Additionally, the deal was for more than just football, and a great deal more than simply Ohio State football. The Big Ten didn't know, in June, that OSU would be playing Indiana on EPSNU... it's just that simple. The specifcs weren't part of the plan. To illustrate the absurdity, for your complaint to have any merit, the Big Ten would have to know what ESPN channel the 2011 OSU Illinois game will be on. No one knows... Because that determination will be made in the weeks (or month) prior to the game.

The Big 10 is in year 1 of a 10 year deal. Your voice in the wilderness will have no effect. I'm all for people saying what they have to say, I'm just suggesting you reconsider the direction you intent to send your voice. If you want to complain and have your particualr complaint have some meaning at all, direct it at ESPN.
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Buckeyeskickbuttocks;635657; said:
Dont waste your time

Big Ten ESPN deal It was struck in JUNE. The Big Ten had no idea A) OSU would be undefeated come week 8. B) The Indiana OSU game would be on ESPNU

What I'm saying is, these games are not divied up week to week, game by game. There are TV contracts between the Conference and the networks, stuck in advance. 10TV, WCMH, WSYX.. WGN, The Learning Channel... any one of these could have reached a deal... they didn't. The plain fact is, like every other sports broadcasting contract, the whole package is sold, not individual games. You could write, call, e-mail the oxygen channel, and they'd tell you the same thing as 10TV - "there's nothing we can do about it."

hmmm... so what your saying is the right group of people to raise holy hell with is A. espn and B. any service provider that has espnu as a station? raise hell with espn because it was their decision to black out this game and well... its espn.. do i really need a reason? the rest because the best way to take a swing at a company who you don't directly do business with is to take one at a company who does business with you and said company? thankfully im currently filled with seething rage so this shouldn't be a problem.

screwblue;635676; said:
By the way they did all of that bitching just to watch their beloved "soon to be National Champs" LOL, Cardinals get their ass spanked by an unranked nobody. It was a good time!!

.... so.. your point here is that you'd rather espin use the bucks as a marketing ploy to make more money by forcing a channel on buckeye fans then to see espin put the game on a network everyone gets? uh huh... so theres that opinion..
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NO, my point is that we are all fans of the game, and ESPN's goal is to get you angry enough that you will bang the hell out of your cable provider and get their station into the lineup! It sucks that we are being used as pawns, I know, but time is running out to get the game broadcast. Sometimes you have to play the game, and do what the guy (network) who holds all of the cards wants you to do. What are your other options? A hunger strike? If you want to see the game, amke your cable providers life miserable and get the station added. I don't think ESPN cares if you get to see the game or not.

My actual point was that it was funny to see the fans here play by the rules and do what ESPN expected, only to watch the game they thought would be a cakewalk turn out to be an ass whoopin that none of them wanted to see. Guess you had to be here!
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