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tOSU TV Viewing/ESPN GamePlan?

I can't believe that game won't be regionalized in the Columbus/Springfield areas.

After all, I think the INdiana game was on ESPNU last year, and it was on WBNS10 in Columbus (which is CBS 7 in Dayton/Springfield).

I think that this is what will happen. If you check out the TVGuide.com site or on Wednesday when you can go forward enough with DirecTV, you will see that the Teams are TBA.
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noticed ESPN ran a commercial during MNF advertising ESPNU as the exclusive place to watch the number 1 OSU buckeyes, while mentioning to call your local cable provider to get ESPNU. I'm sure that is just a coinicidence......
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The Man;635551; said:
noticed ESPN ran a commercial during MNF advertising ESPNU as the exclusive place to watch the number 1 OSU buckeyes, while mentioning to call your local cable provider to get ESPNU. I'm sure that is just a coinicidence......

They won't get viewership for crap if they don't regionalize that game. In fact, if they don't, I will purposely NOT get ESPNU.
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they don't care about single game viewership. They want people to order it or pressure cable companies to offer it so they don't miss future games. Actually if you look at it in a business sense it is quite smart, although assholish.
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The Man;635557; said:
they don't care about single game viewership. They want people to order it or pressure cable companies to offer it so they don't miss future games. Actually if you look at it in a business sense it is quite smart, although assholish.

It will drive me away instead of bringing me into the fold. I'm hopefully not alone.

Guess it will be a sports bar for me.
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The Man;635557; said:
they don't care about single game viewership. They want people to order it or pressure cable companies to offer it so they don't miss future games. Actually if you look at it in a business sense it is quite smart, although assholish.

I just got off of the phone with my Dad. He looked on the TIVO he has, and sure as shit the Indiana game had the ESPNU logo on the score icon...

There's hope....


disregard that crap...look at what I found on WBNS-10TV

OSU vs. Indiana Information

Oct 10 2006 5:38PM

From 10TV Viewer Services:
WBNS-10TV has received many inquiries into the OSU vs. Indiana game on October 21. The Big 10 has awarded the exclusive broadcast rights of this game to ESPN-U, a subsidiary of ESPN.
WBNS-10TV will not have any opportunity to broadcast this game. As mentioned before, the Big 10's rights are exclusive to ESPN-U and there is no opportunity to carry the game on WBNS-TV, our digital channels, ONN, or any other venue. Our commitment to the Buckeyes and their fans is a strong one. If there was any opportunity to carry this game, we absolutely would.
For programming information on ESPN-U, please contact your cable or satellite provider.
While we make every effort to service our most valued customer, the viewer, this is a matter that is completely out of our hands.
For any questions regarding this matter, please contact the Big 10.
Website address:
Feedback section of the website:
Mailing address and phone:
Big 10 Conference
1500 West Higgins Road
Park Ridge, IL 60068-6300
(847) 696-1010
The game will be carried live in Columbus on the home of the Buckeyes, Mix 97.1 and Sports Radio 1460 The Fan.
The 10TV sports team will have complete highlights on 10TV Eyewitness News and Wall to Wall Sports.


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BuckeyeMike80;635560; said:
I just got off of the phone with my Dad. He looked on the TIVO he has, and sure as shit the Indiana game had the ESPNU logo on the score icon...

There's hope....
If it has the ESPNU logo how it that hope? The fact that the MNF ad said "exclusive home" for the game leads me to believe it is just on ESPNU.
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The Man;635563; said:
If it has the ESPNU logo how it that hope? The fact that the MNF ad said "exclusive home" for the game leads me to believe it is just on ESPNU.

I edited that. Apparently the Big Ten is behind this. Last year the ESPNU game was allowed to be rebroadcast on 10TV in Columbus. That was the hope here. But unfortunately the geniuses that run the Big Ten decided that can't be allowed to happen.
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The Big 10 may have sold the rights, but ESPN - as the exclusive holder of those rights, could allow simultaneous broadcasting by a local TV station if they wanted. ESPN is to blame for the decision to put it on ESPN U not the big ten. As far as the Big Ten knew, this game would be on ESPN 2.. ESPN... ESPN plus (Read, 10TV) or whatnot. The Big Ten is not at fault, as you imply, is all I'm saying.
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Buckeyeskickbuttocks;635585; said:
The Big 10 may have sold the rights, but ESPN - as the exclusive holder of those rights, could allow simultaneous broadcasting by a local TV station if they wanted. ESPN is to blame for the decision to put it on ESPN U not the big ten. As far as the Big Ten knew, this game would be on ESPN 2.. ESPN... ESPN plus (Read, 10TV) or whatnot. The Big Ten is not at fault, as you imply, is all I'm saying.

10TV certainly seems to be blaming the Big Ten. That's all I'm saying.....let's remember that the Big Ten has a say in which networks broadcast their games.....
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BuckeyeMike80;635589; said:
10TV certainly seems to be blaming the Big Ten. That's all I'm saying.....let's remember that the Big Ten has a say in which networks broadcast their games.....

10TV is saying they'd broadcast the game if they could, which they can't because ESPN own the rights.Theyre not "blaming" anyone, they're telling you (via form letter, I might add) that they are powerless to do anything about it.

ESPN also owned the rights to the BGSU game, which they didn't put on ESPNU. ANd the Big 10 sold those rights, just as they did the Indiana game. They don't sell these things piecemeal, it's a package deal done well in advance, and the programming rights, once sold, means ESPN is in charge of which network in their "family of networks" broadcasts the game.

I should note, once the rights are sold, the Big Ten has no say in anything as far as where the games get broadcast, unless ESPN bought the rights, and decided to not air it at all. That would be a breach of contract...and even then, the recourse is money damages, not forcing them to air it.
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Buckeyeskickbuttocks;635596; said:
10TV is saying they'd broadcast the game if they could, which they can't because ESPN own the rights.Theyre not "blaming" anyone, they're telling you (via form letter, I might add) that they are powerless to do anything about it.

I don't read it that way at all. I read it as 10TV wants to rebroadcast the game, but the Big Ten (in it's infinite stupidity I may add), has given exclusive rights for broadcast to ESPNU. And they are blaming the Big Ten, otherwise they would be giving everyone the ESPN contact information along with the Big Ten contact information.

What this means is no re-broadcast for 10TV/CBS affiliates obviously. They are mad because virtually no one will watch the Michigan St./Northwestern game (I think that's what it is) that will be on instead.

What it means for me is that instead of getting ESPNU, which is what they want, I'll just go to a Frickers or a Cadillac Jack's or any other sports bar in Dayton to watch the game.
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Meanwhile, some of us out there actually WANT ESPNU on TimeWarner, and have been asking for it since the platform was launched. I hope ESPN succeeds with this stunt. I've been getting dicked over by Time Warner for a while now, and I'd appreciate a small victory.
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jlb1705;635631; said:
Meanwhile, some of us out there actually WANT ESPNU on TimeWarner, and have been asking for it since the platform was launched. I hope ESPN succeeds with this stunt. I've been getting dicked over by Time Warner for a while now, and I'd appreciate a small victory.
I have DirecTV and don't want the 30 other channels that I wouldn't watch just for this one game.

If I were to guess, the sports bars will do a booming business and WBNS 1460 AM will get a big listener number on Saturday.
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BuckeyeMike80;635604; said:
I don't read it that way at all. I read it as 10TV wants to rebroadcast the game, but the Big Ten (in it's infinite stupidity I may add), has given exclusive rights for broadcast to ESPNU. And they are blaming the Big Ten, otherwise they would be giving everyone the ESPN contact information along with the Big Ten contact information.

The Big Ten always sells exclusive rights, it's how it works. It's the same for the SEC, the PAC 10, and so on. I don't mean to be rude, but you're simply reading it wrong. Additionally, the contact is with ESPN, not ESPNU, which is simply a channel and ESPN the corporation. Blame the Big Ten if you want, but you're not blaming the right people. The Big Ten sells rights because exposure of conference teams is good for the conference. I'm certain they are none too pleased that their best team is being relegated to a station carried in 14 homes nationwide.

Again, 10TV is saying nothing other than "It's out of our hands, complain to someone else) Incidently, that's the same response you'd get from WCMH or WSYX... it's not an option for these channels eitehr, and both would surely welcome the opportunity to broadcast the game, cause it sells advertising.
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