pnuts34;2176195; said:True, but paternos no longer the HC. And like previously stated, if they committed amidst the scandal, its a small chance they're flipping. The kids that committed seem like lifelong psu fans and always wanted to go there. Just like a number of kids that committed to us last year in the middle of our scandal(granted ours is nowhere near the same magnitude )
Scandal is one thing, sanctions are another. It would be easy for O'Brien to sell the idea that this had nothing to do with the football program - until it does. Even then the hard core PA kids may want to stick around unless it gets really scary, which it may. Without sanctions the financial issues PSU could be facing are staggering (read the details on their recent contribution reports before commenting on what that means). Sure, that money does not come directly from the football program. But how do you improve facilities for football and ignore what is happening on the other side when it is clear that the money is being paid out as a result of what happened on the football side?
Read the posts on the PSU sites and it sounds like those folks will never give up. But look more closely and you will find that the more rational posters are no longer represented.
Lots of details to be sorted out but an astute parent of a recruit is likely to be asking themselves a lot of hard questions between now and February.