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Game Thread tOSU @ Minnesota, Nov 15th @ 12p ET, ABC/WatchESPN

I could give two minnow turds in a tsunami what espn or the committee thinks of this game. If Minny were in the sec they'd be ranked a lot higher and this very same win would be somehow more impressive? Fuck that noise.

Go Bucks. Fuck everyone that ain't us. Fuck them if they leave us out and may the lord have mercy on our schedule next year if they do.

Exactly! Back after Braxton went down, just being in the conversation now has to be seen as win. Next year will be awesome either way.
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Sloppy. That's all i have to say. Any chance of a playoff spot is going to need 2 or 3 blowout wins and hope the pieces fall in place. JT gets game ball played a great game and carried this team. Hope they can fix the turnover issues by next week. Go Bucks!
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I could give two minnow turds in a tsunami what espn or the committee thinks of this game. If Minny were in the sec they'd be ranked a lot higher and this very same win would be somehow more impressive? Fuck that noise.

Go Bucks. Fuck everyone that ain't us. Fuck them if they leave us out and may the lord have mercy on our schedule next year if they do.
I still think there will be some unexpected losses by teams at the top. This win didn't help as much as we'd hoped and I think this hurts us in relation to TCU, but SOME teams above us will lose...I'm confident of that.
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I could give two minnow turds in a tsunami what espn or the committee thinks of this game. If Minny were in the sec they'd be ranked a lot higher and this very same win would be somehow more impressive? Fuck that noise.

Go Bucks. Fuck everyone that ain't us. Fuck them if they leave us out and may the lord have mercy on our schedule next year if they do.
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