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Game Thread tOSU @ Minnesota, Nov 15th @ 12p ET, ABC/WatchESPN

I hate to break it to you but this wasn't the best team Minnesota has lost this season. Ladies and gentleman I introduce to you the TCU Horned Frogs. IMO, they are the reason OSU will NOT be finishing in the final 4.

Now back to the Wild at least commercials haven't ruined that sport for me.

Here is one from the Jameis Winston porn folder....

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Fuck the SEC.

Any sissy ass team can play in warm weathet. Tell Bama and Auburn to bring their assessment up north in November. See how big their balls really are!!

I have advocated for years that there should be a January 1st Bowl Game at Soldier Field matching the SEC and Big Ten. Now I think it should be part of the playoff system.
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I hate to break it to you but this wasn't the best team Minnesota has lost this season. Ladies and gentleman I introduce to you the TCU Horned Frogs. IMO, they are the reason OSU will NOT be finishing in the final 4.
Yeah, thanks for the wisdom, trollface.

Let TCU play in below-zero wind chill and see what they look like. If this game were played at 45 degrees F we'd have beaten you by 35.
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I still think there will be some unexpected losses by teams at the top. This win didn't help as much as we'd hoped and I think this hurts us in relation to TCU, but SOME teams above us will lose...I'm confident of that.

So you're comparing TCU at home in perfect conditions getting five turnovers and a short field to the conditions we just saw with three turnovers on the road? Just checking.
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  • This offense is going to be amazing to watch next year...but still needs more consistency this year.
  • Love EZE's hop step and explode
  • JT...enjoy him while we can. Gamer.
  • Need to find more ways to involve Devin Smith than the deep ball
  • The LBs got too much praise too early...two subpar games last two weeks
  • DL's speed and aggressiveness upfield is being exploited...that is not helping LBs
  • Doran Grant has come a LONG way
  • Clinton kicking out of bounds has to be fixed...kickoff team has not been special this year...punt return decisions are not good.
  • Overall, big win in bad weather against a game opponent...made too many major mistakes and that usually leads to a loss but this team gutted out a win
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