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Game Thread tOSU at Purdue, Noon ET Nov 12, BTN

Could be worse I guess. We could be Texas Tech or Penn State.

I still don't like it. We have a golden opportunity to win the Big10 in this miserable piece of shit of a college football season and the guys in Scarlet and Gray, aren't playing with their hair on fire.

I don't understand it, or I'm in denial. :(
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What a disheartening first half. It seems like no one has shown up to play.

It's just amazing how off EVERYONE looks out there. There better be a wake up call at half time or we have no hope of winning this game.

Here's hoping that some key adjustments are made on both sides of the ball. That Braxton steps up his play at QB and our D learns how to tackle.

10 points isn't an insurmountable lead, IF our guys start to execute and dominate the guy in front of them.


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