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Game Thread tOSU at Purdue, Noon ET Nov 12, BTN

I really do think that the Buckeyes can make the right adjustments at halftime to get the offense rolling. The main problem this year has been the defensive secondary, and it continues to be a problem today.
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Jake;2034019; said:
That may well be the case as the game goes on but PU scored 10 points their first 2 possessions then marched down the field after our offense put together a scoring drive.

Hard to blame any of the defensive lapses in the first half on lack of TOP by the offense.

Agreed. Bad start is due to bad script.
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ATTACK! At least if you are going to go down, do it attacking. Send the house and disrupt their offense.

On offense I want to see Miller throw it deep more often. And where the hell is the Pistol formation?
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