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Game Thread tOSU at Purdue, Noon ET Nov 12, BTN

THEWOOD;2033982; said:
Defense seriously needs to start putting a hat on someone and wrapping the [censored] up. This little pansy arm tackle bull[Mark May] is really REALLY starting to [censored] me the [censored] off. This is [censored]ing Ohio State. Hit someone so [censored]ing hard they dont get up.

And that takes the cake.

Someone anyone needs to be in the defensive players ears right now.
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Ettiene Sabino and Orhian Johnson Completely over ran that guy there. Who is coaching these kids, 0 discipline, arm tackling, and worst angles I've ever seen from an Ohio State Offense. Has anyone coached these kids?!?!?!
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sepia5;2033975; said:

It's bizarre though, because at times (the first halves against Nebraska and Wisconsin, for instance), the D looks incredible. But it's clear that there is a template for abusing this year's defense.

Yep. People have figured them out and now the major strength (?) of this year's OSU team is rapidly disapperaing.

Come on coaching staff. This is your fault. FUNDAMENTALS and adjustments.
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I've tried to stay optimistic and look at this season realistically, but I don't care if any of this current coaching staff are still around next year. They haven't improved any of the guys on this football team from a playing standpoint. The only guy they have killing himself week in and week out, they're trying to move from his spot of success. I can't say anything positive about the jobt they've done this season at all.
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Defense holds Wisconsin to 14 points in 55 minutes, and has fallen off dramatically since then.

Not sure what the problem is but they better figure it out at halftime.
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Jake;2034002; said:
Defense holds Wisconsin to 14 points in 55 minutes, and has fallen off dramatically since then.

Not sure what the problem is but they better figure it out at halftime.

Lack of TOP is going to kill the D today with the way Purdue spreads things out. Lots of running sideline to sideline
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