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Game Thread tOSU at Purdue, Noon ET Nov 12, BTN

Defense seriously needs to start putting a hat on someone and wrapping the fuck up. This little pansy arm tackle bullshit is really REALLY starting to piss me the fuck off. This is fucking Ohio State. Hit someone so fucking hard they dont get up.
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ScarletnGray 33;2033971; said:
Really have to start thinking about moving Bryant to the star and putting Orhian Johnson in. Moeller is a great guy but it's getting old seeing him dive at guys' legs and then they continue to run and pick up first downs.

Just another reason this has been the least enjoyable season of cfb and sports in general for me. It's sad to see him like this after what we saw from him last year.
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I will certainly say that our defense has regressed since the start of the season. I understand the team injuries and the confusion on the offense makes it difficult on the defense to do their job at times - but dang....

There is no excuse for the way we have played this week and last. Lets just hope we have more endurance and can take control after halftime.
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Fungo Squiggly;2033976; said:
I'm glad I don't have software that writes my vocalizations or I might be taking a two week break. :lol:

lol. Let's not have any game bans this week. I'm stressed out enough about the server issues, I don't want a bad game to lead to any breaks. We're down and Purdue is making is currently making us look like our D is in concrete shoes with Crisco on our gloves -- but it's a long game. I don't think Purdue can maintain this for four quarters (yes, that's blind hope at this point).
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