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Game Thread tOSU at Purdue, Noon ET Nov 12, BTN

That was an ugly half of football. WAY too many missed tackles, which always seems to be the case when we are upset.... I don't like where this game is going. I really, really wish we had an offensive coordinator that knew what the hell he was doing.....
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Just a couple more games left of Bollman and Siciliano, so there's a bright side.

Certain DB's really need to stop talking and just do their jobs. I could take Malcolm Jenkins, because he did his job.
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BuckTilIDie6;2034043; said:
I don't get it. We are better at every position and are just getting dominated. Do not understand how we come out flat AGAIN. better make some adjustments at the half

Better at every position???? Really, why do so many people think this OSU team is loaded with talent? Very very average talent for OSU!
Yea, I'm not a fan of the coaches at all.
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Speaking of caught from behind. Is there a reason that Ohio State doesn't seal the backside on running plays? It seems to be a staple of our offense for many years now that we don't seal the backside and our running backs get tackled from behind by unblocked players running down and behind the line of scrimmage.
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