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Game Thread Tostitos Fiesta Bowl: Ohio State 34, Notre Dame 20 (final)

Nd's corner, got whipped repeatedly. We should have just kept going at him.
Screw the ball control/run game!:biggrin:

We could have easily put 40 on that defense.:biggrin:

I'm thinking if ND was in the Big Ten, they'd have finished third.:biggrin:

They are about equal to Minny, even with "the Guru".
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Nd's corner, got whipped repeatedly. We should have just kept going at him.
Screw the ball control/run game!:biggrin:

We could have easily put 40 on that defense.:biggrin:

I'm thinking if ND was in the Big Ten, they'd have finished third.:biggrin:

They are about equal to Minny, even with "the Guru".

3rd? They lost to Michigan State, beat Purdue and Michigan, and lost to us. Assuming they would have played during the season, Penn State would have beaten them, and I think Wisconsin would have to. That's 2-4 right there. Could they beat NW? Maybe...depends on which defense broke up one pass. Iowa? Again, probably depends on where and when, but I think Iowa could have taken them too. Minnesota would be a competitive game, and of course they would have ragged on Illinois and Indiana, so I see about 3-5...maybe 4-4.
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First off the fat m-f comments are un-called for!

Second JT went 7-5 his first year with a ton more talent.

first-did he lose a lot of weight or something? If he did I'll take back the fat part.

second- JT had head coaching experience coming into OSU and has shown excellence at OSU. CW has done neither but gets all the media hype in the world then follows it up with his classless comments surrounding this Bowl.

If he's going to be like that all you Domers better thicken the skin when it comes to other teams fan's opinions of the fat(?) motherfucker.
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1st Down--33 plays (52%) for 452 yards (you read that right)
10 pass (30%)--9/10 for 234 yards 2 TD
23 runs (70%) for 218 yards 2 TD--9.5 ypc
ave. gain of 13.7 yards

Nice-looking summary of the plays run on first down. It calls for me to finally use this smiley. :yow1:
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Last time I checked that was the fat motherfuckers first ever year as a HC at any level.

Nope. Check again.

(Jax, FWIW, I think folks take issue with the word "motherfucker" not the word "fat")

I don't mean to single out Jaxbuck with this post. Seems to me that a lot of folks are going WAY overboard with the angst towards Notre Dame and their coach. What exactly is so disturbing? That is a serious question and I'd appreciate thoughtful answers that don't resort to name calling and cursing. Why are the visiting ND fans getting blasted for little or no provocation? Some have come over to defend their coach and there well may be a difference of opinion. That is fine, but I'm hoping we realize when someone is trying to have a discussion, is not flaming, and is offering support for their argument. Those folks should be welcome here, even if we disagree.

Here's my opinion ... which amounts to not much I'm sure.

Who here cares about Charlie Weis and how he conducts himself? He's Notre Dame's coach, not ours. If he fits the mold that Notre Dame and their fans like, then great for them. I'm certainly more interested in Jim Tressel and his attributes. I don't see how tearing Weis down raises up our program or coach. It doesn't, in fact it diminishes our victory. What I see is a bunch of festering anger over the media forcing "he's got 4 weeks to prepare" down our throats for a month. Fact is, Weis has done little more to disrespect us than any other coach we face ... the media did much worse. Heck, I figured much of his pregame bravado was more an effort to 'sell' his team on their ability rather than affront to OSU. He's shown some ego, but not any more than most coaches in college football. Again, I submit that the media built that monster more so than Weis. Maybe he's bought into that hype. Maybe their fans bought into the hype. Who cares? That's NDs issue, not ours. Maybe he doesn't treat his coaches and players that way we think he should. Who cares? That's NDs issue, not ours. Many other coaches and fans have done worse and been worse ... we aren't blasting them at every opportunity.

If you recall early on, a certain Jim Tressel was berated by the media and rival fans for his attitude, his confidence, his non-answer answers, his whistle clean persona. It took a firestorm of media and fan scrutiny before our coach emerged from the other side. People now know Jim Tressel is the whistle clean person he always seemed to be. Charlie Weis will face a similar scrutiny at Notre Dame. The media crush and fan interest is just as unavoidable there as it is here. Time will tell the tale of Charlie Weis ... it is not our story to write.

In the final analysis we can't be more victorious by belittling the other coach, team or fans. Our victory is no more sweeter for doing so. The pride in our coaches and team is no greater because of this. I love the Buckeyes regardless of Charlie Weis, Notre Dame and their fans. Other teams, coaches and fans will NEVER be the measuring stick for that love ... how could it be?

Let's be gracious in victory ... and please remember that the language filter isn't operational. :wink:
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OK, well I for one will volunteer for this one, since I've been pretty hard on this situation. I think for me it is the endless ND lovefest, not just on TV but everywhere (though especially ESPN), combined with the delusional "alumni" (mostly people who never set a foot on campus) who fail to see any reality, about their team or anyone else's. It's the idea the Weis is the greatest coach since Knute Rockne, and that navigating one of the weakest schedules in recent memory at 9-3 somehow should put him on Mt. Rushmore (who needs that Roosevelt guy anyway?). Add in the significant spin of Weis' less than complimentary things to say and his pouting on the sideline, and it's enough to get anyone worked up. I have no interest in hurling personal insults, but it is very easy to have animosity towards Weis and many of their fans.

I see many ND fans like many Duke basketball fans...they act like they are superior in every way, and the they can't understand why anyone a) could possibly disagree, and b) feels offended by condescention. For dudes like Chief, obviously none of this applies. But for many others, on this board and elswehere, it is all painfully evident. I admit it gets my goat more than it should...but it's very hard for it not to sometimes.
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