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Game Thread Tostitos Fiesta Bowl: Ohio State 34, Notre Dame 20 (final)

Im not sure if youre saying Weis or the fans are whining... Im sure a lot of us fans are, Im not because we just flat out got outplayed in that game, and what Weis said sure shouldnt be taken as whining, the only comment he made was on the field after the call he said " they better have gotten it right " because it really was a game changing play, you get an opportunity like that and then it gets called back and then it becomes an incomplete pass kind of deflates you.. i think they got the right call, and the refs called a pretty good game, yeah there were missed calls here and there for both teams but very few
It became obvious the Weis ignored his own defense because he either thought the refs would help him (apparently) or that his offense would outscore us, no matter how many we got. Whining about a call that would not have even resulted in a TD is a convenient excuse...nothing more.
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"We can take that two ways: It’s not how we wanted to send the seniors out, but it can prepare us for the offseason."

And let's give Notre Dame their due in this respect. One look at the preseason ratings and, year after year, its clear that they do their best in the offseason.:wink2:
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ND defense did not stop the passing attack all day... and at the time of the fumble ND had not had any success in a while on O. Perhaps that fumble would have suddenly changed OSU's excellent coverage downfield, but I doubt it.

Tressel's response was perfect (I looked at the stats and saw we had 617 yards. I think there were probably a few other plays)
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Weisguy said:
Might wanna throw NCAA Bowl trips on there
last time I checked Charlie Weis wasnt HEAD coach of New England...get over it...he obviously isn't the second coming. He's not that great...he didn't beat ANYBODY this year. Notre Dame had an okay season...and was lucky to get into a BCS game...in which they got shown that they just aren't at the level an Ohio State is yet.
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After weis made his comments about the rings i have honestly began to dislike ND almost more than UM. I respect UM, I have no respect for weis and because he is the coach at ND, i have lost all repsect I had for the ND program. Weis is a cocky fucker, who won a rings as an assitant coach, and looks like the Patriots are in the playoffs again anyways. Same goes for all the "were dissapointed, we should be in the rose bowl" bullshit. Fuck notre dame. Fuck Charlie and his touchdown factory.

Im sorry i had to let it out. Good to be back home.

Your coach directly reflects your program. And all I have seen is arrogance. And a loss.
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unless I slept through the Fiesta Bowl Runner-Up Trophy presentation...

It was on the same channel as the "We Lost to USC" Trophy presentation. I think it's one of the "Who Gives a Shit" channels.

I heard that before the first game, Weis said that he could out "X and O" anybody at the college level. Before his first game he was puffing himself up. So already I had a bad idea of him. Then, after 8 games, he was considered one of the greatest coaches in the history of college football, and given his own room in the hall of fame and a 10-year extension. He had lost 2 games at that point. How many games had Ty Willingham lost after 8 games? Zero. I'm not on the "Notre Dame is racist" bandwagon, but it's very hypocritical of them to give Weis an extension. So then comes the "we should be in the Rose Bowl" stuff from Weis, that the media seemed to love. Any time a media hero takes the blame for losses will add to his status. I didn't care much about what he said. It was just a spotlight moment for him, in my opinion. Finally, after the game, all I heard from him was that "Ohio State was the better team," etc. I've decided that he's not such a bad guy. I still think he's not such a great guy. But I think he showed a lot of class when talking about the game.

(At least, SportsCenter only showed his showing of class.)
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