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Game Thread Tostitos Fiesta Bowl: Ohio State 34, Notre Dame 20 (final)

I just watched it like 8 times in slow mo-- Definetley the correct call was made. I still say the ball is not out until after he is down. In the end I guess it doesn't matter, I am just tired of hearing the whining already this morning.
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A lot of ND fans are crying about the TD that was over-turned after the Gonzo catch. I personally thought it was a catch, but he was down before the ball was on the ground. In college once a knee is down the play is dead. So even if it had been ruled a catch he was down. Anyone else have some opinins on this?

Once the ball is out of his hands, and not on the ground, it's a fumble...his knee wasn't on the ground yet when the ball left his hands, so he would not have been "down".
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It became obvious the Weis ignored his own defense because he either thought the refs would help him (apparently) or that his offense would outscore us, no matter how many we got. Whining about a call that would not have even resulted in a TD is a convenient excuse...nothing more.
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Unlike the fiasco at the Alamo Bowl, these refs knew how to use and interpret instant replay and the right call - albeit a close one - was made.
If you take that exact same play, only with Gonzo already in the end zone, and see how fast the ND fans think it was not a catch!
I can't believe for an instant he can possibly think that one call made a difference in this game - they by all rights should have lost by at least 24 points in this game. My God, we had almost 400 yards of "O" in just the first half, and only 21 points.
I think JT might stress turnovers even a bit more next year.
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Unlike the fiasco at the Alamo Bowl, these refs knew how to use and interpret instant replay and the right call - albeit a close one - was made.
If you take that exact same play, only with Gonzo already in the end zone, and see how fast the ND fans think it was not a catch!
I can't believe for an instant he can possibly think that one call made a difference in this game - they by all rights should have lost by at least 24 points in this game. My God, we had almost 400 yards of "O" in just the first half, and only 21 points.
I think JT might stress turnovers even a bit more next year.

Great, great point! I think our D will be fine. Not as good, but that is asking too much anyway.

For us to run the table, Troy has to reduce the TOs and Ginn will need to work on his hands.
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I will surely miss Holmes, did anyone see him level that LB???

However, I cant wait to see my buddy Gonzo get full-time starting duty. He has all the physical tools to be a star, great work ethic, speed, and natural athletic ability.
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I will surely miss Holmes, did anyone see him level that LB???

However, I cant wait to see my buddy Gonzo get full-time starting duty. He has all the physical tools to be a star, great work ethic, speed, and natural athletic ability.

How could you miss that! That was just amazing. I watched the reply over and over after the game since I Tivo'd it! Haha, what a play. Gonna miss Holmes as well thoguh, but Gonzo is looking good and we'll be fine with good old Ginn with speed.
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I just watched it like 8 times in slow mo-- Definetley the correct call was made. I still say the ball is not out until after he is down. In the end I guess it doesn't matter, I am just tired of hearing the whining already this morning.

Not to beat a dead horse, but this really doesn't make sense. If you think the correct call was definitely made (incomplete pass), then how do you also think the ball did not come out until after he was down? The replays clearly show the ball come loose as Gonzo is turning up field after making the catch. He had not yet tucked the ball away, therefore the call of an incompletion.
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ND Fan here

Congrats on the win... just wanna make a couple comments

1.) I didnt see any postgame, but if the comment weis made about saying youre boys upstairs better be right because that was THE game... or whatever he said, is whining then gimme a break.. he had a point, that was a crucial overturn (not saying it was or wasnt correct) to me it looked like he made a football move, but thats why im not an official..

2.) youve got an O to go with that D, didnt so much drive on us (because you didnt have to) just big play after big play.... we showed up for our first drive and the 4th quarter, you showed up the whole game

3.) Completey embarrassed our secondary, my oh shit this is gonna be a long night moment came on Ginn's im 40 yards wideopen TD catch, I had to leave Findlay to come back to north carolina after the game... with an OSU fan in my car.... I just hope the frosh DB's can give us a jolt like the PSU wideouts revived their offense

4.) my pre season top 5
1. OSU
2. Texas (w/ Young)
3. USC
4. PSU
5. ND

Good luck next year guys, hopefully we will meet again
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