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TORRENT MEGATHREAD - Full Game Downloads!

DVD Folder or ISO?

  • DVD Folder

    Votes: 3 100.0%
  • ISO

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Unfortunately, there's not really a good way to force users to share. Bit torrent is a community based P2P network, and if people want to abuse it, there's really no way to stop them.

The tracker server does some checking and prioritization, but it can't tell if you tend to stop seeding with a bad share ratio or not.

You can probably liken this to your neighborhood. There are some jerks that throw trash in the street, and some good folks that go around a pick things up.

There's no real tangible benefit to being the good guy - other than you know you're helping the community.

In the end it all works out. People that cheat have to wait longer to get the next download. People that play nicely largely go unsung and get screwed by the cheaters. Kind of like life :wink2:
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I got rid Of "Bit Torrent" and Got "Azureus"

I have a Mac and Whenever I would Download the Games
I could also Upload the Games

But as soon as the game was complete "Bit Torrent" would stop Uploading on me.....

So Iam trying Azureus.....

AND... TimBuck2 The Quality is Just like you said....Almost perfect

What do I mean ALMOST It is Perfect
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tim, i burned games 1/2 and am currently brunin game 7, when you watch them on the TV it looks live, like, perfect, but i got a question

how long does it take some of you to burn these games onto dvd? my average through 2 games is about 30 minutes.
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I don't have the Alamo Bowl. I just barely got all my stuff ready for the 2005 season opener :biggrin:

I know someone had the Alamo bowl up on a torrent site a while ago. They might be able to help you over on the Full Game Downloads thread here.
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i just downloaded the PSU game,

there are 3 .vob files for the game, and a few others for highlight videos, menus, and the ohio state marching band.

now when i went to view the game, VTS_01_1.VOB worked fine
as well as VTS_01_3.VOB

but when i click on VTS_01_2.VOB, it is the same file size as the other 2(1,048,544) but i get no picture, just sound...and also, when i burn it to DVD, the dvd freezes up my computer,

all the other games have worked fine for me, so i dont think its something on my end.

has anyone had this problem?
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Minnesota game is up! My internet has been acting kinda screwy in the day time so don't complain if it's going really slow. Road Runner guys are coming to check something out with our lines on Tuesday, so hopefully it'll be OK by then.
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I haven't heard of anyone having this problem. I just verified that the file plays fine through VLC Media Player and Media Player Classic.

It sounds to me like the file didn't completely download or something. There's a utility that you can run to verify file integrity called HashOnClick. Download it here: http://www.2brightsparks.com/assets/software/HashOnClick_Setup.exe

Just install it with the default options. (You shouldn't need to reboot)

Then browse to VTS_01_2.VOB, right-click on it and choose Calculate Hash Value -> MD5 Hash Value

The result should look like this:
F5C5676C95442EE8ED83BEF5A51FBF09 VTS_01_2.VOB

If the result is att all different, then the file you have wasn't completely downloaded. You'll probably have to D/L the whole DVD again.

Good Luck!

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Looks like there is something seriously wrong with our cable lines, per the Road Runner guy that came by this morning. It's gonna be a few days or so before my internet is back to it's normal speed. The way it's been going so far, it might be faster to wait for TimBUCK2's dvd version of the game to come out then to get it off of me...

EDIT: Well it looks like it's going around 30-40 Kb/s max which is alright. My max upload is around 60 kb/s. It'll pick up big time when just one other person becomes a seed and can upload faster than me.
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