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TORRENT MEGATHREAD - Full Game Downloads!

DVD Folder or ISO?

  • DVD Folder

    Votes: 3 100.0%
  • ISO

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Converting the Illinois game to divx right now. Should be done around 7:00 tonight...blame that on my slow ass computer. If BP can donate me $5,000 I can get one of those Apple quad-G5's and have the game ready to go an hour after it's over, heheh...

I think this one will be the shortest game yet. 2 Hours and 17 minutes without commercials and half-time report. It even has clips of the Skull Session that ESPN included at the beginning.
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I personally like Azureus, but I see a lot of Bit Tornado, ABC and Bitlord peers out there too.

I link Azureus in the main thread - it's easy to set up and tells you if you're having firewall problems. There are install and tweak guides in the first post.

The swarm speed is 614kb right now and there are 16 people connected, so I would say that it's probably a problem on you're system. I'd guess firewall or router first.

Reboot your computer and router and install Azureus. You should be in good shape!

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Yeah, my...internet...is...really....slow............

Road Runner people came and took a look last week and figured something was really wrong with our cable lines. So they're coming to replace them this Friday. Untill then, it works in spurts, sometimes really fast, sometimes really, really slow.
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