Tim the Enchanter... WOLVERINE SLAYER!!
Unfortunately, there's not really a good way to force users to share. Bit torrent is a community based P2P network, and if people want to abuse it, there's really no way to stop them.
The tracker server does some checking and prioritization, but it can't tell if you tend to stop seeding with a bad share ratio or not.
You can probably liken this to your neighborhood. There are some jerks that throw trash in the street, and some good folks that go around a pick things up.
There's no real tangible benefit to being the good guy - other than you know you're helping the community.
In the end it all works out. People that cheat have to wait longer to get the next download. People that play nicely largely go unsung and get screwed by the cheaters. Kind of like life
The tracker server does some checking and prioritization, but it can't tell if you tend to stop seeding with a bad share ratio or not.
You can probably liken this to your neighborhood. There are some jerks that throw trash in the street, and some good folks that go around a pick things up.
There's no real tangible benefit to being the good guy - other than you know you're helping the community.
In the end it all works out. People that cheat have to wait longer to get the next download. People that play nicely largely go unsung and get screwed by the cheaters. Kind of like life