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TORRENT MEGATHREAD - Full Game Downloads!

DVD Folder or ISO?

  • DVD Folder

    Votes: 3 100.0%
  • ISO

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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I just wrote the MSU game to DVD

GREAT quality and SWEEEET menu intro. Greenies for TIMBuck

Oh, and yes, I am still seeding--even though I've only uploaded 10 GB :( (interestingly, I never, ever see Timbucks' seed when I'm downloading... just the other peers. Oh well. I still get the file quickly enough).
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I just wrote the MSU game to DVD

GREAT quality and SWEEEET menu intro. Greenies for TIMBuck

Oh, and yes, I am still seeding--even though I've only uploaded 10 GB :( (interestingly, I never, ever see Timbucks' seed when I'm downloading... just the other peers. Oh well. I still get the file quickly enough).

Glad you like it! I only allow 7 upload slots, and I almost always post these really late at night. The Europeans jump on and snatch up all the spots. :tongue2:

There are some really nifty plug-ins for Azureus if that's what you're using ("Installation Wizard" from the "Plugins" menu) One of them shows country flags for the other peers in the swarm.

A lot of these flags come from countries with US military bases, so I'm really hoping our soldiers are enjoying some of the comforts of home!


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I love timbuck2's the best, and I've had the privilege of owning some great quality Mili dvds. It's even better when there are some highlight videos added (like from LoKy).

Cant' wait to get the IU one.
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I'm downloading my first one here (Indiana). I wanted last years scUM, but I wasn't getting anything. Does that mean nobody is seeding it? Sorry noobie here and trying to get myself familiar with the Azureus program. Once I get this stuff going, I can seed whatever. My comp is always on. I just restart every few days.
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Yeah, if you're getting a 0 in the seed column then you gotta start yelling at these guys to get workin on it! I wish I could help you out with the '04 scUM game, but I gotta get this Indiana game out.

I got that one going (IU). Like I said, my comp is always on. I'll be able to help. Never having used this before it would be nice to have some terminology explanation like what is a swarm? If there's a glossary for these terms, I would much appreciate it if you could point me in that direction...Sorry. I'm slowly working my way through this long ass thread, so I may find these answers myself as I read...:biggrin:

BTW, everything seems to be running fine with the IU game. It's telling me between 11-14 hours
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