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TORRENT MEGATHREAD - Full Game Downloads!

DVD Folder or ISO?

  • DVD Folder

    Votes: 3 100.0%
  • ISO

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I'm trying to do the IU game and the MSU game from last year, its taking awhile i'm at like 8.5-10.0 KB/s and 80% on the IU game and 12.5-15.0 and 60.7% on the MSU game. I really tempted to stop the one of them, so i can get the other faster. But i can't decide which one to stop, they should be done by tommorow so i'll just let 'em go. Only problem it that i think i have a virus on my computer and if i let it sit for a few hours and i come back to it, it is REALLY slow, after a while it speeds up a little, but most of the time i reset/restart. I can't wait until this is done so i can restart. Plus after i get the videos what program can i use to view the game? Will Windows Media Player work?
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I ended up stopping the IU game, I have every single OSU game on tape since the 2003 season, the MSU game from last year however i woke up late and missed the first 20 min of the game(When Ginn was doing his magic), so i really want to see that.
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I'm temporarily stopping the torrents on Games 1-5 so MSU and IU can get up to speed.

As the season goes on, I'll have to do this more and more. Please seed all you can - it'll really be a huge help for your fellow fans (and me of course :biggrin:)

Thanks in advance!

EDIT: Holy crap the Indiana one is flying. The swarm speed just jumped over 1 MB/Sec. Probably a good time to jump in before all the people finish and drop w/o seeding :(

EDIT2: There are several Indiana seeds now, so I'm balancing my bandwidth across all 7 torrents now. Just FYI
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Isn't there a way to not allow people w/ share ratios < X to download? What would be awesome is if there was a way to allow them, but any time a user with a good share ratio came along they got bumped in favor of the non-leecher.

Sure there is a plugin somewhere for it, I just don't pay enough attention to it.
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I have all of the files going right now, but I'm not sure if they're finished downloading yet. Once they're done, I can pretty much dedicate 16-20 hours/day to seeding (between 10 or 11PM to 4 or 5PM) I'm not using my PC then, and I almost always leave it on. I might as well put the damn thing to work for BP.
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Damn i can't view the game, i tried using Windows Media Player and it gives me this

"Windows Media Player cannot play the file. The Player might not support the file type or might not support the codec that was used to compress the file."

I also tried Winamp, but it won't even play on that. What am i doing wrong?
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Damn i can't view the game, i tried using Windows Media Player and it gives me this

"Windows Media Player cannot play the file. The Player might not support the file type or might not support the codec that was used to compress the file."

I also tried Winamp, but it won't even play on that. What am i doing wrong?

I'm not sure - but I believe you will find all your questions and answers here ... :wink2:
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I've been seeding for most of the last two weeks (when my cable doesn't crap out on me)

we shouldn't bump leechers, but they should get less bandwidth. Not sure if that can be done or not without a lot of trouble.
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the 1995 illini game is an iso file. it is meant to be burned to dvd and then played on your big screen.

there is a program out there to view iso's off of your hard drive but i don't know the name of it. you can probably find it at . . .


good luck and please god seed the file.

It is called Daemon Tools.

Mounts the .iso image then you play it through your appropriately configured player (DVD application or Media Player).
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