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TORRENT MEGATHREAD - Full Game Downloads!

DVD Folder or ISO?

  • DVD Folder

    Votes: 3 100.0%
  • ISO

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Yeah, when I built my computer, it was in the basement, and my room was two floors up, so I didn't care about how loud it was. I'll eventually get it quieter but right now I got other things to spend my money on (booze, car parts, women....in that specific order).
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If there is anyway I could buy these dvds after the season is over, and have them shipped please email me at [email protected]

The bad news:
I'm really trying to stay away from bring money into this. I don't want to get into any trouble for selling OSU merchandise :wink2:

The good news:
I just finished uploading Game 6!

I'd really like to get some feedback on these. This forum has been so quiet!!! Let me know what you think and if you have any suggestions - or just give me a shout out!

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I really enjoy these.

All of you leechers need to keep seeding these games after you are done d/ling. It doesn't matter if you are not online all of the time, it gets a little annoying that 1-2 of us are seeding most of the games. It's not hurting your D/L speed either, so it shouldn't have a huge impact on your broadband speeds.
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Timbo, great effort getting these games out.

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TiVo has the "TiVo to Go" feature that might be sufficient for you ajb4cmr, if you are just looking to pull clips off.

Their website has a tutorial ( http://www.tivo.com/4.9.19.asp ) -- basically you use your network port on your computer and add the TiVo to your home network.

I haven't tried it, so I can't comment on its ease or effectiveness.

Ive heard it's pretty nice and easy. Make sure you're cable/satellite provider supports it though - I know DirecTV doesn't at this time.
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Have any of you burned these off to DVD and made the video case and DVD label yet? I'm curious to know how this is working out for you.

I have an old DVD player that can't play burned DVDs, so I've just been using the svideo out on my laptop to watch these on TV.

Please do share your experiences!
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I really enjoy these.

All of you leechers need to keep seeding these games after you are done d/ling. It doesn't matter if you are not online all of the time, it gets a little annoying that 1-2 of us are seeding most of the games. It's not hurting your D/L speed either, so it shouldn't have a huge impact on your broadband speeds.

I'd really appreciate it if you guys could seed longer. I've uploaded 80GB, meaning that in an ideal world, I would have 25+ seeders. Instead, I think I've got about 3. (and I think I could probably name them)

I'm more than happy to keep my seed server up, but it's really slowing down the new releases and overall download times for everybody. Please try to pitch in a little bit more!


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