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TORRENT MEGATHREAD - Full Game Downloads!

DVD Folder or ISO?

  • DVD Folder

    Votes: 3 100.0%
  • ISO

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
If people could seed the '95 Illinois / OSU game I would really appreciate it :wink:

I'm seeding it, but nobody seems to be trying to get it.
I'll leave it on till tomorrow, unless I see people downloading, then I can leave it on longer
edit: I see there are some people d/l. I'll leave it on overnight, and tomorrow if I can.
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RAT DVD - Anyone think this is worthwhile looking into?

One of the biggest problems with the DiVX file format is that there is a lack of menuing in the finished DVD.

Conversely - for DVD one of the biggest problems is that the game length lends itself to DVD-9 dual-layer full length if we want the best quality.
Or, if we want to compromise quality - we can go to DVD-5 (using something like DVD-Shrink), or some other radical surgery to curtail total file length.
Still that presents a pretty high download time.

Summary - Benefits of true DVD are the menu driven interface.
Detraction of true DVD - the torrent files take forever to download.
Detraction of squezing to DVD-5 is loss of quality on playback.

Has anyone seen this:


It promises to allow significant compression in a near lossless format.

The downloader then takes the file and re-expands it with RAT DVD to generate the full length file.

Example of compression rates I have heard quoted
DVD-5 - from 4.3 Gigs to 1.2 Gigs for download (remember the 1.2 Gigs reportedly gets expanded by you, at your end to the full 4.3 Gigs.

DVD-9 from somewhere around 8.5 Gigs to 2.4 for download, - user then re-expands to 8.5 for burning on DVD-9.

Sure would help those download times don't you think?

(In case someone asks, I'm not sure what this can do for DiVX re-compression, maybe it helps there too).
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I do see plenty of quality on the ISO's that i have downloaded. Hopefully we won't go up to the bigger disk b/c my burner won't burn them...

Do we know if we are getting an ISO for the MSU game?

Thanks guys!
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HAH! Well, the fates have it such that the PSU game shall not be seen ever again! Cause of some weird computer glitch, only the first quarter was recorded!

I recorded the PSU game on my computer, but it stopped recording shortly after Smith's fumble, which I guess is pretty much the whole game. The quality isn't anywhere close to the ones that I've downloaded.

I'm still seeding all of the games that I have downloaded. Just this morning someone was getting the Alamo Bowl from me.
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