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TORRENT MEGATHREAD - Full Game Downloads!

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Is anyone out there seeding the Iowa game (DivX) I hate to sound like a broken record, but I'm stuck at 95%, and I'm downloading at a BLAZING 1 kbps.

And before anyone asks, yes, my ports are forwarded.
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For those of you guys that are only able to see the first half of the Texas game, try using another program besides Windows Media Player. Sometimes, whenever, WMP plays DIVX files it's timing is way off and speeds through a file. Give it a shot with Media Player Classic (which can be found here).
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For those of you guys that are only able to see the first half of the Texas game, try using another program besides Windows Media Player. Sometimes, whenever, WMP plays DIVX files it's timing is way off and speeds through a file. Give it a shot with Media Player Classic (which can be found here).
You guys really need to stop using Windows Media Player... I know it's the easiest since it's already installed with Windows, but there are so many cheap and free alternatives that are way better.

Here's the lowdown on Media Players:

BEST - Cyberlink PowerDVD. http://www.gocyberlink.com/multi/pro...ain_1_ENU.html

It works great and costs $39. (You can also dig it up on the Torrent Sites
if you swing that way.)

GREAT - VLC Media Player. http://www.videolan.org/vlc/

It's really nice too and it's freeware. A must have if your broke but not
morally bankrupt too. :tongue2: It runs on Windows, Linux and Mac.

OK - Media Player Classic. http://sourceforge.net/project/showf...ckage_id=84358

Another Freeware Player. It's ultra fast and small and makes a nice
alternative to Windows Media Player.

BAD - Windows Media Player. http://already.installed.on.your.computer.bloatware

Free and does an poor job with , well ... everything. The video looks SIGNIFICANTLY worse on both my computers using Windows Media Player 10. It's just really big and clunky and slow and has limited (free) plug-in support.

Also, to guy requesting the SDSU game - I don't have that ready yet either. Since no one made a highlight video for it (any I'm trying to put at least one on each DVD), I've decided to make one myself.

Since I generally stink at it so far, it's delaying the release for a little while. If anyone wants to make one or knows where one is, PM me. Hopefully R0CK3TM4NN can hook you up in the meantime.
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Oops, you're right. I mean, the low point of the season that they won 7 straight games including a BCS game is lost?

Also: dude you've had the same avatar for 3 days. Time to change it, man. Come on....

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somebody out there has to have the penn state game. please help us out. It was ugly, but I'd still like to review the film... plus the hits on defense will be very useful for highlights.
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