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TORRENT MEGATHREAD - Full Game Downloads!

DVD Folder or ISO?

  • DVD Folder

    Votes: 3 100.0%
  • ISO

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Yeah, internet is really slow tonight, sorry folks...just leave it on and it'll get faster during the AM hours. If you remember last week it went really slow but it picked up on monday and started flying on tuesday. Hopefuly (big hopefully) my internet gets fixed for real this time tomorrow or the day after.
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Haha, those are large files, but one DVD just easily saves the files needed then he can delete them to save his hard drive space anyway. That's what I'm going to do and also making back ups of them as well.

Anyway, I'm currently seeding 5 games.

Ohio State vs Texas
Ohio State vs Indiana
Ohio State vs Penn State
Ohio State vs Minnesota
Ohio State vs Michigan State
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Hey, I got a sweet suggestion.
I haven't watched all of his dvds, but he definitely has had the pregame band on many of them.
Anyway, I'm currently seeding 5 games.
thanks man! I'm seeding every game (except Iowa). I wonder why we can't see each other seeding the game (it only lists one seed for now). Or do we get listed under peers for some reason?
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I'm seeding all the games. Once you connect to me, you'll be able to start downloading.

ThePirateBay sometimes takes a while for it to connect. Restarting Azureus (or whatever torrent software you use) usually helps to reconnect faster.

My router has been a little flaky today, so that's probably why I dropped on you :wink2:


EDIT: Looks like you're connected again... You can always check my seed server status here.
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I'm seeding all the games. Once you connect to me, you'll be able to start downloading.

ThePirateBay sometimes takes a while for it to connect. Restarting Azureus (or whatever torrent software you use) usually helps to reconnect faster.

My router has been a little flaky today, so that's probably why I dropped on you :wink2:


EDIT: Looks like you're connected again... You can always check my seed server status here.

Thank you. It's up and running once again. I appreciate the help. I'm doing as much as I can to seed the games. I usually seed them all day, but next week, I'll be able to seed them 24/7.

By any chance, do you have Michigan vs Ohio State from 2004? I've been trying to find a seeder who got that. People kept disconnecting on me.
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I'm downloading this file from PirateBay.org.

2004 Ohio State vs. Michigan - HiRes

It said that you're the original person who uploaded it. I would love you forever if you can seed this for me and the rest of the crew who is downloading this along with me.

:oh: :io:
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Can anyone seed Michigan vs Ohio State - 2004 please?!

We got two peers at around 75% each, but we don't have anyone who has the full seed.

Can anyone help us out here for the scUM week?!

I got it (2004 scUM) up and seeding for ya.

EDIT: Just started 95 Illinois as well. Don't know if some of you still need it. Let me know in this thread. I'll keep it up, but I don't see anyone D/Ling from me...
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