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TORRENT MEGATHREAD - Full Game Downloads!

DVD Folder or ISO?

  • DVD Folder

    Votes: 3 100.0%
  • ISO

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
No, hopefully not. I'm going to move all of my torrents (the divx's) to another tracker over the weekend. Hopefully, it should work out that if you already have the file, then all you need to do is click the link again and it should seed normally, just on another tracker.
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Well, looks like thepiratebay.org isn't going to be shut down forever. Looks like (surprise) the MPAA coerced the US government to tell the Swedish government to arrest the guys who own thepiratebay.org. I'm still trying to figure out how the MPAA can influence the fucking US government to do whatever it wants, but regardless, thepiratebay.org owners got arrested even though they weren't breaking any Swedish laws. So much to the MPAA's chagrin, they will be set free and the site should be back online in a few days. Here's a link to an interview with one of the owners: http://wiredfire.org/index.php?q=node/65

Yeah...so...fuck the MPAA.
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thePiratebay.org is back up, but their search function won't work for a day or so. I'd rather wait and see instead of moving all the torrents to another tracker. That would be a pain in the ass...unless someone else would like to do it. Greenies as a reward...
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Just a little update. Piratebay is back, but the torrents aren't working cause the guys are in the process of upgrading their servers and restoring all the old information. It looks like their brush with the law has quadrupled their activity and they're now more popular than ever. Give it a couple more days. In the mean time you can go to www.torrentspy.com, type in a search for "ohio state" and the links are available there.

When these links are working again, I want to start a campaign to get everyone seeding again so new members can get games. Rewards for seeding will be greenies, vcash, whatever.
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Just a little update. Piratebay is back, but the torrents aren't working cause the guys are in the process of upgrading their servers and restoring all the old information. It looks like their brush with the law has quadrupled their activity and they're now more popular than ever. Give it a couple more days. In the mean time you can go to www.torrentspy.com, type in a search for "ohio state" and the links are available there.

When these links are working again, I want to start a campaign to get everyone seeding again so new members can get games. Rewards for seeding will be greenies, vcash, whatever.


sounds nice
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Alright! I got fed up with waiting for piratebay to recover our lost torrents so I re-uploaded them! The ones with red x's obviously do NOT work. I'm in the process of fixing them. I can only fix the links to the games I made, which are all the DIVX files.If you are the author of the DVD's for the game you will need to re-upload the torrent file and PM me with the link.

With that said. Its summer, and everyone is bored out of their minds. I want everyone TO START SEEDING AGAIN. If you have the games for the links that work, SEED THEM. A lot of people want these games in the off-season. Greenies, medals, etc. for those that seed!
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