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TORRENT MEGATHREAD - Full Game Downloads!

DVD Folder or ISO?

  • DVD Folder

    Votes: 3 100.0%
  • ISO

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Spring game is now up! I kind of hastily put it together so I dunno if every commercial got cut out. From the timing they should be.

I know people downloaded the Fiesta Bowl, the Texas game, and both scUM games so please help everyone else out and seed. Shit, according to thepiratebay.org the Fiesta Bowl has been downloaded 475 times and the '05 scUM game has been downloaded 552 times!
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Damnit. Sorry guys, had to pause the upload for an hour or so cause my roommates actually need the internet for something else besides downloading porn and playing counter strike.

Bittorrent's great but it absolutely trashes your networks bandwidth.

EDIT: Alright, it's back up.
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Sorry guys, haven't been over to this thread in a while. I just put up Texas and the Alamo Bowl per requests...I will let those go for a day or so (longer if needed) and then try and get up some other requests...Some of these requests are old, so re-request if you still need something, but be patient. I can only seed a few at a time and may have to do some juggling of files between computers...:)

EDIT: And obviously I can only seed the ones I've downloaded. I've haven't downloaded all the games, but if I have it, I will be happy to seed it for ya...
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Texas is now down. No one ever connected.
scUM '02 is now down. Looks like everyone finished.
Alamo Bowl is now down. Looks like everyone finished.

'97 Rose Bowl is still up. I have one person connected. I will leave it up for a while...
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