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TORRENT MEGATHREAD - Full Game Downloads!

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    Votes: 3 100.0%
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2004 Alamo Bowl seeding

Can anyone seed the 04 alamo bowl for me??

I have 83.5% downloaded and can't get it to finish thru bitlord...

I've been uploading for about three weeks but now I can't connect to any peers for this game...

Any suggestions?

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Thanks for replying,

The peer connection is working for the upload side but the download is still not moving....it shows no connected seeds.

should I be trying something different??

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Sorry...I said I was going to put it up, then forgot (it was on a different computer than the one I normally use)...It's up now...See if it's going now...I'll be back on here tomorrow sometime...My bad...:smash:
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so i start the D/L first, then seed once it gets started or what?
With torrents, everyone downloads off everyone. The more users, the faster the download. The more seeds, the faster the downloads. Now, people will download off of you while you're uploading the file, but at a slower speed. That's why you don't actual become a seed until you're finished downloading. You're what's called a peer, leach, downloader, etc. Once you're done downloading, you need to leave the file on you're computer and the application running so that people can pull it off your system. That's seeding and that's how we get our speed up so it doesn't take a week to get a file!
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I'm having a few problems with my server, so I'd appreciate if you guys could help cover the seeding for me for a little while. I'm hoping to have it back up early this week (and getting a new one server in the next couple weeks)
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