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TORRENT MEGATHREAD - Full Game Downloads!

DVD Folder or ISO?

  • DVD Folder

    Votes: 3 100.0%
  • ISO

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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I have been trying to download the DVD version of the '05 Mich game. I posted that I needed some seeding and it looks like some of you stepped up. It is still slow going but its quicker than it was before I requested help. I'm at about 70% and I'm sure that last 30% will take a while but I wanted to take a second to say thanks to those who stepped up.
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Ok, looks like we got ourselves a problem.

This morning ThePiratebay.org (the website we use to host our torrent files) got raided by the police.

If it looks like this site is gonna be shut down for good, then we'll have to move the torrents to another tracker (like mininova.org).
Here's the story:

Swedish police shut Web site in music piracy raid

Wed May 31, 2006 2:15pm ET

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STOCKHOLM (Reuters) - Swedish police detained three people in raids and closed an Internet site on Wednesday that the entertainment industry said was a major source of music and film piracy.
The Web site operators could not be contacted but supporters said the site had not been doing anything illegal and criticised the police action.
Last year, Sweden banned the downloading of copyright material after being singled out for criticism by Hollywood. The issue of file sharing and copyright has been emotive in Sweden, a hi-tech country with a tradition of openness.
"Three people ... have been taken in for questioning on suspicion of breaking copyright law or abetting the breaking of copyright law," Stockholm police, who carried out raids at 10 locations, said in a statement.

"The preliminary inquiry is related to so-called file sharing and concerns The Pirate Bay Web site," said the statement.
It gave no further details but the International Federation of Phonogram and Videogram Producers (IFPI) said The Pirate Bay was the world's largest search index using BitTorrent software, employed to download movies and music, and was a major source of illegal material.
"The Pirate Bay has damaged the legitimate music industry on an international scale and I am very pleased that the Swedish authorities have taken such decisive action against it," IFPI chairman and chief executive John Kennedy said in a statement.
But Rickard Falkvinge, who launched the Pirate Party this year to run in national elections in September and fight for changes to copyright laws, condemned the police action.
"Pirate Bay has not committed any crime," Falkvinge said in a statement on his Web site. "It is precisely this sort of raid which the Pirate Party wants to stop."
© Reuters 2006. All Rights Reserved.
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I just think it's funny how they keep shutting these sites down. I remember back when they shutdown supernova and everyone thought it was the end for torrents. Instead a couple of other sites moved in to fill the void. Although I can't say I used thepiratebay much I do know that they had a huge user base. Now all of them will be switching to places like mininova and torrentspy. But yeah, as for our videos here they'll have to be put onto a new tracker and then reposted.
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