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TORRENT MEGATHREAD - Full Game Downloads!

DVD Folder or ISO?

  • DVD Folder

    Votes: 3 100.0%
  • ISO

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
With that said. Its summer, and everyone is bored out of their minds. I want everyone TO START SEEDING AGAIN. If you have the games for the links that work, SEED THEM. A lot of people want these games in the off-season. Greenies, medals, etc. for those that seed!

I can help out with seeding.

I will be seeding (3) games...I picked these ones because I imagine they would be popular selections...

TOSU vs. ND Fiesta Bowl is now up.
2004 scUM is now up
2005 scUM will be up here shortly.

...Get 'em while they're hot people...:biggrin:

EDIT: scUM 2005 is now up...
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Alos, can I get some help with Ohio State vrs. Michigan State 2005, Ive been stuck for a while.

Appreciate it.
On its way.
I'm also seeding the Fiesta Bowl....any requests for another game?

edit: no more Fiesta Bowl....nobody was downloading and there were other seeds for it.
I have the scUM game up and will maybe seed another after I download the spring game.
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I'm still having troubles-

I downloaded the Java, Azureus, and VLC player.

I have all open and running.

I click on the Spring Game, and click 'open'.

It goes to Azureus, and is queuded: last.

I wait for about 15-20 minutes, but it doesn't start downloading.

Am I missing a step?
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On its way.
I'm also seeding the Fiesta Bowl....any requests for another game?

edit: no more Fiesta Bowl....nobody was downloading and there were other seeds for it.
I have the scUM game up and will maybe seed another after I download the spring game.

Appreciate it.

Heres what I am now seeding:

Ohio State at scUM 2005
scUM at Ohio State 2004
Michigan STATE at Ohio State will be up within minutes

More will be added after the OSU/Mich St. game is completed

As for Oden, I dont see any mistakes in what you are doing so I really cant help you.Sorry.
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I'm not sure I can help you either...seems like you're doing it right to me.

I have the spring game, scUM game and MSU game seeding....probably going to trade the MSU game for another....either Iowa or Minnesota.

edit: I evidently won't be seeding the Iowa game...as I haven't downloaded it yet. If anyone can seed it that would be great.
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I'm trying this thing again. Except I want to put the games on DVD. But thats a seperate issue.

Its been awhile since I last did this, but while I'm d/l these games, I notice it is really "bogging" down the network throughout the house. Is this normal or what? I can't remember if it was like this last time.
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