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Tebow's SAT was 890!!:bonk:

Just think what it would have been had this guy not worked with him.


But hey, working with Tebow is his passion and nobody is going to tell him who he can and can't work with.
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ORD_Buckeye;1646399; said:
Again, the issue isn't that Tebow chose to major in home ec or that it may just have been the most appropriate major for him. The issue is with his chorus of worshippers attempting to cram it down everyone's throats that pulling a 3.6 in home ec somehow makes him this super scholar-athlete. The CBS announcers constantly raved about what a studious honors student he was, once calling him "the epitome of the modern scholar-athlete" and the absurdity reached its pinnacle when they gave him the Draddy.

Had he not been put on an academic pedestal for having been a home ec major, almost no one would ever have known--or cared--what his major was.

I think that it is important to note that it was the media, and not Tebow, that was tooting his horn. So why not leave the kid alone, and bash the media.

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wells;1645939; said:
...The working undergrad: Internships are the only form of employment that would offer the same type of pressure, stress, expectations, and require "out of environment" work as a sport (once again assuming an equal amount of time spent). Employment otherwise, unless in some absurd number of hours, doesn?t compare.
Not sure what you would consider absurd.

I took a full load of classes while working 40 hours a week during my last 3 years at Ohio State, and I was an electrical engineering major. The point here, is that I am NOT tooting my horn by saying that, because that was NOT unusual. It might not have been most of us, but there were enough EE majors that were working a full-time job that it was nothing to brag about.

The main difference between Timmy's time constraints and mine is that there wasn't a single coed on campus who wanted to be a time sink for a EE major with a full time job. If Timmy gave in to every temptation, the like of which I've never known, he never would've had time to do anything else.

I don't begrudge Timmy anything. It's the media and the fawning florida faithful that make me want to hurl. It doesn't even bother me that he's had to shoot down thousands of women that would pray for death if I sat next to them at the bar. Really... don't give it a second thought... not at all... not even thinking about it right now... seriously... not at all flustered... like water off a ducks back... really, i don't care... why are you looking at me like that, I'm telling you it doesn't bother me OK??
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sandgk;1646382; said:
Either he's dumber than a box of rocks, or he wanted to go to the higher end and lower ends of the NCAA eligibility scaling.

Boilers Fan;1646563; said:
Tebow probably took the SATs about 5 years ago, wasn't a perfect score still 1600 back then and not the new scoring system with 2400 being perfect? 890 out of 1500 would still be below average, but not the epic fail of 2%.

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Boilers Fan;1646563; said:
Tebow probably took the SATs about 5 years ago, wasn't a perfect score still 1600 back then and not the new scoring system with 2400 being perfect? 890 out of 1500 would still be below average, but not the epic fail of 2%.
Ah, well, if he was on the 1600 scale then 890 puts him at about 27th percentile. (See earlier link) Probably much lower than that as a percentile rank of the incoming class for that year at UF though.
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