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Boasting a 3.66 grade point average as a Family, Youth & Community Sciences major
How sad that earning a 3.66 in a prep course to manage a YMCA merits the same award as posting a 3.68 in Molecular Genetics ...

But who are we kidding? Tebow's major is about as important as Krenzel's in the grand scheme of things. Tebow will wind up doing exactly what CK has, pitching Hondas, tractors, and insurance while doing autograph shows on the sports memorabilia circuit on weekends after a totally anonymous and forgettable three year NFL career.
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Dryden;1644987; said:
How sad that earning a 3.66 in a prep course to manage a YMCA merits the same award as posting a 3.68 in Molecular Genetics ...

But who are we kidding? Tebow's major is about as important as Krenzel's in the grand scheme of things. Tebow will wind up doing exactly what CK has, pitching Hondas, tractors, and insurance while doing autograph shows on the sports memorabilia circuit on weekends after a totally anonymous and forgettable three year NFL career.

Worst yet, I am making an assumption here but my guess is the average GPA for someone in Tebow's major is in the mid 3 pt range. Some people blissfully ignore grade inflation and the fact that some majors are a cakewalk. It is not unusual to look through a commencement handout and find that over 50% of certain majors graduated cum laude or above.

Tebow is likely reasonably smart and realized that his degree is not actually going to be his money maker. Nothing wrong with that, but if you make that decision it is hard to not be a cynic about getting the Draddy, etc.
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Colvinnl;1644992; said:
Some people blissfully ignore grade inflation and the fact that some majors are a cakewalk...

Nothing wrong with that, but if you make that decision it is hard to not be a cynic about getting the Draddy, etc.

Yes, but some people are having issues between being cynical, and somehow getting personally insulted about it all. Nothing about this should rock your moral core.
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Merih;1644986; said:
Nah, because that fact would cloud the whole "The World is Forcing Tebow on Me I have no choice but to scour for things to hate him about" vibe.

Actually, it's just one more example of the world putting this numbnuts up on an undeserved pedestal. To give this to a guy who coasted through a home ec major is a disservice to the award and slap in the face to every recipient who EARNED it through actually challenging themselves in college.
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You're really trying to deny your academic crusade against Fredo and other similar academic smack talk? Seriously ORD? That's what you're known for here and on various other boards.

But since you're so outraged over a jab at your schtick:

1. Click search
2. Advanced search
3. Keyword fredo | user ORD_Buckeye | show results as 'posts'
4. Count em up.

I actually just threw out 20 as a random number, but then this is hardly the entirety of your academic smack talk on the interwebs.
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Colvinnl;1644992; said:
Tebow is likely reasonably smart and realized that his degree is not actually going to be his money maker. Nothing wrong with that, but if you make that decision it is hard to not be a cynic about getting the Draddy, etc.

Absolutely correct. I don't think Tebow is stupid, but to fawn over his "honor student" status and give him the Draddy for being a home ec major is ridiculous.

As for those Ohio State players who hide in easy majors, No I'm not going to attack them. They are Buckeyes, so yes I have a double standard. As long as they do the work and take a major available to any student that's fine. OTOH, if they were somehow being touted by the school and the national media as the second coming of Mike Lanese or Craig Krenzel or a thousand other Buckeye football players who challenged themselves--and excelled--in real majors, I would feel embarrassed for my school over the ridiculousness of it all.
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Am I the only one who is happy to see the Tebow thread get mired in a blaze of glory string of posts? Love it.

And maybe we should reinvestigate his Son-of-God bona fides (channeling my inner diddy)... if he he really is credentialed by Heaven, why did he need to major in Young Life leadership? And even if he did need to major in Young Life leadership to be a Young Life leader, how in God's name did he only get a 3.6? I, for one, am calling bullshit on his divinity.
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ORD_Buckeye;1645027; said:
All you did was link back to every post that I've made.

You specifically stated that I posted 20 pages belittling peoples degrees/majors. Please show me THOSE twenty pages or does being a "senior moderator" allow one to post unsubstantiated bull[censored] about other posters.

Stop it! Stop it now!! Tim Tebow drives a Winnebago better than you have ever driven a Winnebago, and it fucking KILLS you...
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