For my part, I think Tebow's a decent guy, as a guy. I mean... anything I've ever heard him say, and anything I've ever seen him do, all appear to be "the right thing" That said, I do not like the media coverage of TT at all. That's not Tebow's fault, I'm just saying I'm sick of TT coverage... and I think the idea of him going to NYC for the draft is ridiculous. But, fortunately, I don't care that much, so it's more of a nonissue to me. Likewise, based on TT's football skills, as I have observed them, I do not think he will become a reliable NFL QB.
I do think the guy can learn. I do think the guy is coachable. I do think he has the drive to succeed in the NFL. I just don't think he's going to be able to make the changes necessary. They say his throws were coming out faster (less wind-up) and that's great.. maybe they are... but.. much like 40 times, one day does not impress me. Muscle memory impresses me. When we're in a spot where we can't slow down and think it through, we do what we've always done. It's pretty "easy" to go to a pro day, go thru your mental checklist and throw some balls around the yard. It's quite another matter to not revert back to the way you've always thrown when you've got a guy ready to take your friggin head off.
In my opinion, that'll be the difference for Tebow. If he ends up in a system where he can sit and learn for 3 or 4 years without being "forced in to action" I think he could re-learn how to throw, and repeat that consistently enough to be a decent QB.