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Thread of What You've Eaten, Cooked and/or Drunk Lately

Not food related, but since someone brought up Buc-ees. Love their story. They started by just wanting to offer ice and clean bathrooms. It just grew from there. I have never been to one, but have never heard a bad thing about them. My kid visited one on a roadtrip last year and loved it.

Now, back to my boring old oatmeal.
I tried to boil eggs yesterday, what a fiasco, The wife says I didnt bring them to a high enough boil and didnt put the lid on right after I turned the burner down.
I hate it when the wife can jump on me like that ....... But I do make a bad bowl of Cheerios....
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I'm in Kentucky
damn bro! sorry to hear that.
I tried to boil eggs yesterday, what a fiasco, The wife says I didnt bring them to a high enough boil and didnt put the lid on right after I turned the burner down.
I hate it when the wife can jump on me like that ....... But I do make a bad bowl of Cheerios....
my wife readily admits I'm the better cook, by far.
but she still tries to be a back seat driver who I'm cooking.
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Not food related, but since someone brought up Buc-ees. Love their story. They started by just wanting to offer ice and clean bathrooms. It just grew from there. I have never been to one, but have never heard a bad thing about them. My kid visited one on a roadtrip last year and loved it.

Now, back to my boring old oatmeal.

The bathrooms are quite nice and clean.
The biggest problem is the crowd. They are too popular. I feel nauseated being in there seeing the TN and KY clientele that they attract. I'm in and out as quick as I can. I have never been there for breakfast.
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